What happens when I scan a directory for Audio Files?

What happens when I scan a directory for Audio Files?

Once WavSniper starts it's scan, it is logging a couple of bits of information about each sound file.

Along with the filename and full path, it logs the date and time the file was added to the library, as well as a unique CRC32 identifier. This is used to be able to identify sounds that may exist in the library that are identical (although their filenames may be different).

Often, you may want to re-run your scan of your entire library should you have made some alterations/additions, in which case it is recommended you run a complete rescan.

Once your directory is completed scanning, all files will be listed and their generated TAGs also listed (in the drop-down selectors).

You may notice that there are some strange entries in those lists, and may want to edit the list, in which case you should take a look at editing the TAG exclusions list.

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