Preparing your Sample Library for first scan.

Preparing your Sample Library for first scan.

It is a good idea to consolidate all your folders that contain samples (wav or mp3) files into a single directory, but not necessary.

With WavSniper you do NOT want to remove any directory structures that your sample libraries already have implemented. WavSniper uses those folder names to generate it's TAGs.

If anything, you should create a new folder (under your main), to store any samples from libraries/discs that you would like identified uniquely.

In other words, if you have a sample CD from XYZ company, that you would like TAGged with XYZ, create a folder called XYZ and move the entire sample package into that directory. You will then be able to filter on XYZ, and then focus further down with additional filters.

Once you have your sample files located in a known location, select the directory from the WavSniper "Select Base Directory" button, and then click "Scan for Audio Files".

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