Thanks... my help files seem all screwed up...
I've made a change, and you can enter the SYSVAR of your choice... however, there seems to be an issue with the format of the sysvar outputted.
For instance, if my OSMODE is 231, and want to put that in the title-block, then this routine returns 231.0000. (This can be fixed... below)
You can see from these two lines, that the RTOS has two parameters, cause you have to convert the Number to a String... BUT, it would be nice to be able to truncate any trailing zeros!
The first line is commented out in the lisp, but has the two parameters... you can change the 0 to a 2 for 2 places after the decimal). The second line, doesn't have any parameters, so the conversion goes without any modification.
;(setq newatt1 (RTOS (getvar newatt1) 2 0))
(setq newatt1 (RTOS (getvar newatt1)))
The problem is when you try to put something like LTSCALE (if it was 1.35 for instance), with ;(setq newatt1 (RTOS (getvar newatt1) 2 0))
you would get 1 instead of 1.35. (I'm still not quite sure about the first parameter being "2", which is called "mode", maybe this is the key..., but again, my help is all screwed up... I had my hopes up with much mention to the DIMZIN system variable, and how it effects RTOS in the newsgroups. I played with it, but it doesn't seem to effect my output... Argh...
I'm not sure if there is an easy way to trim ".000" from a string (if it exists), or just any trailing zero (in the case of "1.35000"). Again, I'm not that familiar with lisp, but with the above in mind, you can easily add the parameter to the lisp before running it, or remove it.
I'd love a solution that took care of this automatically!!
Here is the new file...
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