Width factors for dtext should be pretty easy using CHTEXT lisp routine. Here is a sample script…
;BEGIN SCRIPT (LOAD "C:/yourfolder/anotherfolder/lispfolder/CHTEXT.LSP") CHT ALL
To write a script...try doing it manually, (typing at the command promt), copy and paste the portion of your F2 window into Hurricane's CAPTURE utility...I works great! Start with one drawing to mess around...trial and error is the name of the game.
You may already have chtext.lsp, Autodesk at one time bundled it with the AutoCAD software. Try searching your autocad program folder, if not it may already be posted on this site?
Good Luck!
Mike Fischer Fischer Design Group, LLC Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design www.FischerDesignGroup.com
I knew there was something like this around as I above been using AutoCAD since 1985, Rev 2.01 I think. Usiing 2000 I couldn't find the command, 'coz it's not there.