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 Differentiate MODEL/LAYOUT drawings
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Simon R Halmshaw
New Member

United Kingdom
9 Posts

Posted - January 15 2008 :  4:42:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is there anyway that I could set up a script to sort a list of drawings into drawings created in MODEL space and drawings created with LAYOUTS to allow two different scripts to run.
I run a very simple "Zoom and Purge" script for all MODEL drawings, but for the "LAYOUT" drawings I run a slightly more complex script that switches to Paperspace, then runs Zoom and purge, then locks all Viewports and turns off Viewport layer. I have to do this as we get drawings from many different suppliers and everyone seems to do it "Their" way despite being given a detailed "Standard" to work to. The problem is, when people here open the drawings that have Layouts they tend to screwup the viewport scaling if the viewport is not locked.
The ideal way would be to sort the file queue based on the active tab (MODEL/LAYOUT), then run a script that can run either A or B depending if the MODEL tab or LAYOUT tab is active.
Just curious, seems like a tricky one to me.
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