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 Quick Pick Button
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17 Posts

Posted - December 22 2004 :  10:17:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is something that I've noticed that maybe you could add.
I use the quick pick box a lot. Its great for when I'm going drawing to drawing doing changes and I love the favorites saves a lot of time searching for folders buried deep in the server. Anyways here are a couple things I think that could enhance its useability.

1) A Filter or Sorter at the top like in the windows search, such as name,type, or even a filter like you have elsewhere where you could use wildcards all in the quickpick box.

2) Kinda the reason I want the sort or filter is this. Multiple drawing selection. open multiple drawings at the same time. I think it was 2000 that first made this available in ACAD so 14 users probably wouldn't be able to use it, I don't know. but the reason for the sort is because the drawing files open in reverse order so if I want to open 13 drawings from 1 to 13 the way they are sorted now it opens 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.... and so on so I have to start my changes on sheet 13 or control-tab back to 1 change I think you know what I mean.

3)one minor thing also I leave this running all day on top of all my programs and I think that docking capabilities would be awesome. also maybe the ability to change the size of the box even if it were just width would be great so I can almost hide it so it doesn't bother me when I'm in ACAD.

Well sorry this was so long. let me know if any of this is possible. thanks.

never give up never surrender


653 Posts

Posted - December 22 2004 :  7:51:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Germanc,

Good idea. I'll have to figure a way to put those features in as little space as possible.
Let me work on it a bit. I'll post any changes here...

Hey, did you know you can launch multiple files from the Queue? Just select them and either hit "ENTER", or right click and left-click "Open Selected Files".

I see what you mean by them loading in the wrong order... and having to CTRL-TAB to go through them. You can re-sort them in descending, which can be a pain... BUT if you CTRL+SHIFT-TAB, you can go through them backwards! (but you probably knew that!?)

Thanks for your feedback... I'll work on it!


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17 Posts

Posted - December 23 2004 :  12:42:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
looking forward to it
I'm sure I'll have more things to ask for as well later.
I can't believe you would actually add to a program just like that, I think your probably the only person I've run into that would really take suggestions and apply them, if they're good of course

never give up never surrender
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653 Posts

Posted - December 27 2004 :  6:52:12 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Germanc,

Here is the update...

Download Attachment:
167.54 KB

I've tried to incorporate what you've asked for... mainly that the window be resizable, and you can filter the files, as well as the option to launch multiple files. (You can either select your files, then hit ENTER, or right-click with your mouse and select OPEN FILE(s)). It will also save the window position between sessions. (You can even make the window EXTREMELY small)

I've made the "QuickQueue" window resizable, but won't launch multiple-files (yet).

I hope this does it for you!

Happy New Year!

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Hurricane-Extreme User

216 Posts

Posted - December 28 2004 :  11:22:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This update should be useful... Thanks Germanc (and Bill of course)! The re-sizable QuickQueue is great!

It appears that the QuickPick inherits the filter from the file selector, however the *.DWG, (or whatever it my be) isn't shown. Maybe it could be? This way people will immediately realize what that box up there is.


Mike Fischer
Fischer Design Group, LLC
Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design
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17 Posts

Posted - December 28 2004 :  12:09:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This new Quick pick Window is great. I love the filter on the top I wasn't expecting that. I have a lot of big drawing sets that this will help. I especially enjoy the stretching capabilities. I personally use it along the right side as tall as I can so I can see about 40 or so drawings at one time makes for easy picking. but real skinny so it doesn't interfere with my cad or annoy me.

I do have a question however. whenever I open more than five at a time I get a messagethat says about 5 files and I could starve my system which I can see some people having trouble with but I usually open around 20 or so at a time. Is there a way to turn this little message off?

Great job and thanks especially for being so quick.
If you keep this up I'll keep asking for stuff

Here's something I found interesting, If I want to run Hurricane or leave it up just in the background (assuming I'm not using it at the time for script purposes) I can make the new pick window about the size of a button on the autocad toolbar and leave it there. That way if your using XP or I guess any windows Hurricane doesn't even show up on the taskbar conserving the space thats down there. try it

never give up never surrender
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Hurricane-Extreme User

216 Posts

Posted - December 28 2004 :  1:19:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Germanc...

I just read your last post and I have a question...

Going all the way back to your first post on this subject, when you mentioned "filter or sorter" did you mean something like the Column Header Names in Windows Explorer? Something that would allow you to just click on the column heading to sort by name (ascending or descending order) That would be pretty neat. It can be done with QUEUED files... but only through the right context menu. I think Bill tries really hard not to clutter up the GUI, (Thank Goodness)... But I can see how useful it would be.

Mike Fischer
Fischer Design Group, LLC
Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design
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653 Posts

Posted - December 28 2004 :  1:47:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ah shoot... I overlooked the filter being inherited in the Quickpick...
I'll fix that quick...!!

I'll also put an option (on/off) for the "System may be starved" message... (FYI - you wouldn't believe what hardware some people are using for CAD stations! , and when their system crashes from lack of resources when they try to load several files, then they blame Hurricane!! can you beleive it!! )

Thanks agian for your input! I always try to please...


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17 Posts

Posted - December 28 2004 :  4:59:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hey thanks for the on off switch, thats perfect.

Miksteele-yeah that is what I was talking about. I use the one that autocad 04 has all the time so when they open they're in the right order.

never give up never surrender
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653 Posts

Posted - December 29 2004 :  2:12:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here you go..

Download Attachment:
167.97 KB

This one includes the on/off switch, and the transfer of the inheritance of the filter to the Quick-Pick box.

As for the "sorting function" you'd like on the Quick Pick... I'm afraid it can't be done unless I change things drastically inside the Quick-Pick window. Something like a column header sort will be muchos work. I can consider it, but it will mean I'd have to take things apart and put them back together (hopefully the right way!)

Unless I fudge something like a right-click "Open in Reverse Order" button, but I am assuming this will bloom into sort by Date, Sort by Size, Sort Ascending/Descending etc etc. I suppose I could add those features to the Queue Sort, and then you can use the Quick-Queue button rather than the Quick-Pick button.

Thanks Again!

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17 Posts

Posted - January 06 2005 :  09:08:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice, I'm glad I can now turn off the message and the filter is working great.
An added bonus is control over how many I want to open at one time.
I can put 15 20 or whatever in the warning box so I can just highlight a bunch of drawings and when the warning comes up I can just stop the rest to keep it at that set amount. Nice job.

never give up never surrender
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Hurricane-Extreme User

216 Posts

Posted - January 06 2005 :  09:17:51 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The customizable quantity is indeed great!

I have noticed that I end up just ignoring the message until I finish what I wanted to do on the 10th drawing. Then I just click the button and it gives me the next 10, work on those...and click for the next 10...etc. until I'm done. It just feeds them to you as you need them!

Mike Fischer
Fischer Design Group, LLC
Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design
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653 Posts

Posted - January 27 2005 :  6:19:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I found a bug that happened with the implementation of this feature.

I just noticed it, so here is the fix! (Anyone else notice this??)

BUG Description - after you set a NEW filter in the Quick Pick window, then select a file using it, the filter reverts to the original filter that the Quick Pick was opened with.

Anyhow, all fixed... Further, I've added, that if you change the filter in the quick pick box, then close it, the new filter gets passed BACK to the main Hurricane interface.


Download Attachment:
171.95 KB

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Hurricane-Extreme User

216 Posts

Posted - January 28 2005 :  08:41:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did notice that at first... but thought that may have been intended. This is better!

Mike Fischer
Fischer Design Group, LLC
Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design
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