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112 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  2:54:59 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is it possible to plot multiple collated plot sets from Hurricane? If so, could you please point me in the right direction? THANK YOU !!

Steve Bubendorf

Hurricane-Extreme User

216 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  3:30:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Are you trying to get multiple collated plot sets without having to "run" the script again?

Are you trying to get more than 2 sets?

Would you be running this over night?

Mike Fischer
Fischer Design Group, LLC
Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design
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112 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  3:39:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
THANK YOU FOR THE RESPONSE! I hope you have some ideas once you read my answers to your questions below.

Are you trying to get multiple collated plot sets without having to "run" the script again? YES.

Are you trying to get more than 2 sets? MORE OFTEN THAN NOT.

Would you be running this over night? SOMETIMES.

Steve Bubendorf
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Hurricane-Extreme User

216 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  4:00:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My thought was to use the NIGHT RUN feature, (under the TOOLS/UTILITIES pulldown menu). You can set the time for whenever... DAY or NIGHT...It is just basically a delay.

Then in the NIGHT RUN box you would click the REPEAT SCRIPT button and type in the QUANTITY. Now you will get as many sets as you want!

Opps That feature hasn't been added yet. Hmm...that could be pretty useful.

Mike Fischer
Fischer Design Group, LLC
Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design
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653 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  4:15:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hehe... sneaky!

Something I can work on,

BUT I think it's just as easy (and something you can do right now) is to create a FileList, save it, then APPEND (and re-append) the FileList to the Queue the number of times you need the drawings plotted. (Make sure you don't have AutoSort enabled!)

Then it's all done in a single operation.


Hurricane for AutoCAD
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112 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  4:21:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks, for the advice, Bill !! 'Sounds like I won't have to retest that other utility after all. Can I pull my previous post off of the forum?
Originally posted by Admin

Hehe... sneaky!

Something I can work on,

BUT I think it's just as easy (and something you can do right now) is to create a FileList, save it, then APPEND (and re-append) the FileList to the Queue the number of times you need the drawings plotted. (Make sure you don't have AutoSort enabled!)

Then it's all done in a single operation.


Steve Bubendorf
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112 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  4:27:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Got it pulled. (I didn't want to advertise a competing utility as long as Hurricane could do what I needed, particularly since it (Hurricane) does everything else in a much better fashion.)


Originally posted by Admin

Hehe... sneaky!

Something I can work on,

BUT I think it's just as easy (and something you can do right now) is to create a FileList, save it, then APPEND (and re-append) the FileList to the Queue the number of times you need the drawings plotted. (Make sure you don't have AutoSort enabled!)

Then it's all done in a single operation.


Steve Bubendorf
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653 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  5:09:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Steve,

Don't worry about it... go ahead and name it... I don't believe in censorship (unless it is in bad taste/illegal etc (or a certain competitor who actually stole some of my web-pages, word for word (spelling mistakes too! hah) I don't forget that sort of thing)
But If it saves you time, then why not use it!?


Hurricane for AutoCAD
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112 Posts

Posted - February 09 2004 :  5:27:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A prominently placed review of your software would benefit a lot of AutoCAD users. I download a lot of freeware/shareware utilities, yet I was unaware that Hurricane existed for a long time. Now that I have it, I don't know of any similar utility that does a better job. The interface, the flexibility, etc., make it superior to most any type of shareware utility I am aware of, in any category. Your responsiveness and support are unbeatable, as well. Thank you for providing such a great utility at an affordable price! I hope your software gets the exposure and respect that it deserves.

Originally posted by Admin

Hi Steve,

Don't worry about it... go ahead and name it... I don't believe in censorship (unless it is in bad taste/illegal etc (or a certain competitor who actually stole some of my web-pages, word for word (spelling mistakes too! hah) I don't forget that sort of thing)
But If it saves you time, then why not use it!?

Aside:<rant on> I've actually really considered putting a "links to the competition" page on the (It keeps me on my toes as well, knowing what other features people value).site, but I keep being talked out of it... Maybe even make a chart that shows what "they" can/can't do, feature comparison etc...

I know it's probably the worst thing I could do (cocky too), but on the other hand, people might appreciate not having to "search" for the competition, when it's all spelled out for them, and they can truly see what's out there (there is some pretty good stuff out there, but most of it is REAL bad).

I waste much time trying out the latest version of whatever comes along), and most of the time, I'm happy to delete it. I've actually recommended some other utils to people that aren't comfortable with scripting, and would rather "not know" what's going on. Hopefully, they will pick Hurricane in the end. But everyone is different, some people like vanilla, and some people like hot peppers.

I would be pretty confident to go up against, feature for feature, any other scripting utility.(Cause there are macro type utils that use VBA, that wouldn't be apples to apples)

Actually, while I'm on a rant... I should mention how many times I've attempted to get a "review" of Hurricane (or even Hurricane vs. any other scripting package) with several of the so-called online Cad mags out there. They seem to "review" other utilities, but they really shy-away from the batch/script utils for some reason. It would be great to have someone actually take the time to compare.

I'm very tired of these Cad software sites with wide open "review this" clicks with zero accountability. You should take a look around... (I'd hate to mention them here) Where ratings by "anonymous" users (i.e. the competition) really make rating systems worthless.
<rant off>

Sorry to rant... !


Steve Bubendorf
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