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Dynamic TAGS

Dynamic Tags such as these update themselves based on current system information (date/time), or drawing specific information, filename/path etc.

$DATE$ - Substitutes the current date in Long format.
eg. "Monday January 21, 2002".

$DD/MM/YY$ - Substitutes the current date in DAY/MONTH/YEAR format.
eg. "21/1/02".

$MM/DD/YY$ - Substitutes the current date in MONTH/DAY/YEAR format.
eg. "1/21/02".

$YY/MM/DD$ - Substitutes the current date in YEAR/MONTH/DAY format.
eg. "02/1/21".

$YYYY$ - Substitutes the current full Year .
eg. "2003".

$YY$ - Substitutes the current two digit Year.
eg. "03".

$MM$ - Substitutes the current Month.
eg. "01".

$DD$ - Substitutes the current Day.
eg. "31".

You can combine tags to create more complex date formats like $MM$-$DD$-$YYYY$

$TIME_12$ - Substitutes the current time in 12 hour format (AM/PM)
eg. "12:00 PM".

$TIME_24$ - Substitutes the current time in 24 hour format
eg. "13:00".

$FILEPATH$ - Substitutes the currently opened files PATH

$FILEPATH-1$ - Substitutes the currently opened files path PARENT directory,
eg. if the file was in "C:\BACKUP\DRAWINGS\PROJECT_5\", then $FILEPATH-1$ = "C:\BACKUP\DRAWINGS\"

$FILEPATH-x$ - (x can be any value from 1 to 9) Substitutes the currently opened files path x PARENT directory.

$FILEDRIVE$ - Substitutes the currently opened files DRIVE (or ROOT directory).
eg. if the file was in "C:\BACKUP\DRAWINGS\PROJECT_5\", then $FILEDRIVE$ is "C:\"

$FILENAME$ - Substitutes the currently opened files FILENAME
eg. "DRAWING005" (does NOT include the files EXTENSION i.e. DWG)

$FILENAME-PREV$ - Substitutes the PREVIOUS file in the Queue's FILENAME
eg. "DRAWING005" (does NOT include the files EXTENSION i.e. DWG)

$FILENAME-NEXT$ - Substitutes the NEXT file (in the Queue) FILENAME
eg. "DRAWING005" (does NOT include the files EXTENSION i.e. DWG)

Note: You can combine TAGS to form whatever combinations of text you wish. If you want to put the files full path and filename in your drawing, use the following format: $FILEPATH$$FILENAME$.DWG

$FILECOUNTINQUEUE$ - Substitutes the current filecount in the Queue
eg. "124"
eg. "1452"

$FIRSTFILECHARS$ - Substitutes the currently opened files FIRST x characters of the filename. (has Options in "Configure Tags" screen. eg. DRAWING005.DWG with a setting of 2 will substitute "DR".

$SHEET$ - Substitutes the currently opened files LAST x characters of the filename (NOT INCLUDING THE EXTENSION). (has Options in "Configure Tags" screen. eg. DRAWING005.DWG with a setting of 2 (and "trim leading zeros" is checked, will substitute "5" (if the last characters are numeric), otherwise zeros will not be stripped)

$SHEET-PREV$ - Substitutes the previously opened files LAST x characters of the filename

$SHEET-NEXT$ - Substitutes the next drawing (in the Queues') LAST x characters of the filename (NOT INCLUDING THE EXTENSION).

$COUNTER$ - Substitutes the value of a counter (has Options in "Configure Tags" screen. You can set the start-point, and the step-value.

$HUR_PATH$ - Substitutes the directory path from which Hurricane was started.
eg. "C:/Program Files/Hurricane/"

$USER$ - Substitutes the current users network login name.
eg. "John Smith"

$COMPUTER$ - Substitutes the current computers network name.
eg. "ARD1528-6"

and $TAG1$ through $TAG40$ (user definable STATIC TAGS) can be placed anywhere in a script, and when the main Hurricane "CREATE" button is pressed, the appropriate "real-time" value for those tags will be substituted into the main batch script.

This tag configuration screen is accessible from several locations in Hurricane. One being being from within the Editor (See "Editor" Button)

Make sure you check out the Title-Block Update Wizard for some cool TAG useage examples.

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