What is WavSniper and why would I need it?

What is WavSniper and why would I need it?

WavSniper was created to meet a need to be able to locate sound (sample) files QUICKLY.

After scouring the internet looking for something that could be "ready to use" almost immediately, was difficult.

The way computers have been designed don't allow for searching (easily) for abstract things like sounds and colours. Being limited to "filenames" to describe the contents of a file with words in a filename is difficult, and daunting.

When working on music, you typically don't want to have to sort through whether a sample is mono, or stereo, or 22KHz, or other useless information. You want to be able to narrow your list to known descriptors (TAGs), and then sample the files quickly, and then import them into your DAW quickly.

The couple of librarians we could find did not categorize files using any relevant information, but rather on stuff that only computers care about like, file-size, Hz, and length. All of which don't matter when you are looking for an "electronic" and "bird", but the filename turns out to be "A000027.wav"

Most sample libraries (produced CD/DVD's) provide a directory structure that is "drill down" in nature, and does categorize the sounds based on some arbitrary structure (each sample CD/DVD will have it's own way). Often the filename itself is NOT named appropriately, so usually is irrellevant. However the folder (and higher up folders) are significant markers in finding that file.

WavSniper simply takes those directory structures and reformats them into an easy to browse format, so you can find your files fast.

The less time you spend looking for the appropriate sample, the less chance you have losing your groove.

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