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 Note for Windows users
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Posted - May 15 2013 :  8:34:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There have been a couple of reports of USB Flash drive Licenses presenting a "Licensing Error - Aborting" message after a PC is upgraded to Windows 7. There is no explainable reason why some PC's behave this way, and others do not.

Here are a list of things to try:

  • After you get the message Firstly, ensure that Hurricane isn't running, by going to your task manager and kill Hurricane completely (in case it's stuck in RAM).

  • Download a fresh copy from and install it onto the flash drive into a NEW directory (don't delete or uninstall the old installation. Once installed, try running the new one instead (you can put it in /Hurricane2/ or whatever other directory name you wish)

  • Ensure that any Virus Scanning software isn't blocking read/write access to any of the sub-directories under /Hurricane/

  • Please download the latest installer of Hurricane and install Hurricane to your LOCAL DRIVE (just once). Then you can uninstall Hurricane from the local drive, and attempt to run it from the Flash drive once more.
    [/]Please confirm you have the VB 6 Runtimes installed...

  • Ensure that IT has not "locked down" your PC, or restricted any read/writes to the system registry.

  • Try starting Hurricane in Admin mode. This means RIGHT-CLICKING on the hurricanexxx.exe, and selecting "Run as Administrator", and follow the prompts.

  • In all cases above, once Hurricane is running, simply put the KEY file into the /KEYS/ directory, and restart Hurricane. (Don't forget to go to the "Help->Serial Number" menu and select the Licensing type to be the type of license that you purchased, prior to running Hurricane, or you'll have to select it, then close it and restart it again.

  • [*]As a last resort, you may need to reset Hurricane in the Windows registry. Instructions can be found here...

In all cases, at least one of the above has solved the issue. If your issue persists, please contact for further instructions.

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