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 create and run
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6 Posts

Posted - January 04 2012 :  11:11:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can not get Hurricane to open AutoCad and run the newly created script file, it creates the script then it opens AutoCAD and that is it.
I then have to run the script by going to tools and run script.
I am running AutoCAD 2010 and windows 7.


653 Posts

Posted - January 04 2012 :  11:16:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Neil,

Have you checked the F2 window to see what commands have been called (if any), please post the results here.


Hurricane for AutoCAD
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New Member

6 Posts

Posted - January 04 2012 :  12:32:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have added everything from the F2 below.

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ACAD
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CUSTOM
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: IMPRESSION
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: AUTODESKSEEK
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESS
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: COMPANY
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC_SCH
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: PROJECTWISE
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: YVR2K10
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: USER
Regenerating model.

StartPoint: Menu already loaded
StartPoint: Module commands have been registered._UNDEFINE Enter command name:
Netload c:/cadcfg2k10/DrawingSetup.dll Netload c:/cadcfg2k10/BlockImport.dll
Command: Initializing VBA System... REPTEXT.LSP by P.Heald Sept'92-Apr'93 Ver.
Enter the name of a Customization Group to unload:client2k10
Unknown Customizaton Group: client2k10
Enter BACKSPACE to interrupt script.

Command: cuiunload
Enter the name of a Customization Group to unload:client2k10
Unknown Customizaton Group: client2k10

Command: menuunload
Enter the name of a Customization Group to unload:yvr2k6
Unknown Customizaton Group: yvr2k6

Command: menuunload
Enter the name of a Customization Group to unload:yvr2k8
Unknown Customizaton Group: yvr2k8

Command: cuiunload
Enter the name of a Customization Group to unload:yvr2k8
Unknown Customizaton Group: yvr2k8

Command: menuload
Enter name of customization file to load: Client2k10.cuix
Enter name of customization file to load:
"Client2k10 CUI... Successfully Loaded"
PROJECT Routines... Successfully Loaded
"APD Loaded!"
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
Command: ._RIBBON

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ACAD
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CUSTOM
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: IMPRESSION
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: AUTODESKSEEK
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESS
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: COMPANY
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC_SCH
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: PROJECTWISE
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: YVR2K10
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: USER
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653 Posts

Posted - January 04 2012 :  12:45:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hmm.. I see nothing strange, other than a number of extras being loaded in.

Please confirm your AutoCAD executable is properly specified in the Hurricane Tools Options Config tab.

Also, ensure that you haven't added any switches to the same screen (make sure they are blank).

Confirm your script is simple to start with (till you get things working)

Confirm your batch output path is into the /SUPPORT/ directory.

Is this after a system upgrade? or did is start doing this out of the blue? Have you installed any other Add-ons recently?

I may need some screen shots, or a remote session to diagnose anything further.


Hurricane for AutoCAD
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New Member

6 Posts

Posted - January 04 2012 :  1:00:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have added a snap shot of my config and pref in the attached zip file.

Download Attachment:
215.56 KB
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New Member

6 Posts

Posted - January 04 2012 :  1:17:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is some code from the script file, and this is a new install and as far as I know this never did work after I installed the program.

; ***************************************************************
; HURRICANE 6.8.17 - SCRIPT CREATED 04/01/2012 : 10:04:07 AM
; ***************************************************************
_SDI 1












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653 Posts

Posted - January 04 2012 :  6:58:59 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Strange, everything looks fine...

Another thing to try is a shortcut on the desktop with the /b switch and the path to the hurricane.scr file.

Hurricane simply uses the [autocad.exe /b hurricane.scr] syntax to launch AutoCAD and the script (at runtime). Nothing fancy going on.

If the script isn't running when Create and Run is clicked, it's most positively something else that is interrupting the load (menus, ribbons, other lisp etc...).

Currently hundreds of people running that version, and even AutoCAD 2011. Is this the only computer this isn't working on?


Hurricane for AutoCAD
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New Member

6 Posts

Posted - January 05 2012 :  10:41:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was able to get it to open AutoCAD and run the script by going into the shortcut and in the compatibility tab click on run this program in compatibility mode for windows XP (sevice pack 3).
It did the first drawing and then stoped, I can get it then to complete all the drawing if I keep typing in resume.
I have done a cut and pater of what was in f2, and attached the short cut change.
I am running windows 7 on a 64 bit laptop.
I am not sure if this helps you or not.

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ACAD
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CUSTOM
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: IMPRESSION
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: AUTODESKSEEK
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESS
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: COMPANY
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC_SCH
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: PROJECTWISE
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: USER
Regenerating model.

StartPoint: Menu already loaded
StartPoint: Module commands have been registered._UNDEFINE Enter command name:
Netload c:/cadcfg2k10/DrawingSetup.dll Netload c:/cadcfg2k10/BlockImport.dll
Command: Initializing VBA System...
"APD Loaded!"
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
Command: _SDI
Enter new value for SDI <0>: 1
Enter BACKSPACE to interrupt script.

Command: _OPEN

Enter name of drawing to open <.>: "p:\CAD\PRC\Pid\Wks\310025j101.dwg"

Opening an AutoCAD 2007/LT 2007 format file.
Regenerating model.


Command: _zoom

Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or
[All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] <real time>: e

Command: -purge

Enter type of unused objects to purge
geometry/Empty text objects/All]: all
Regenerating model.
102 zero-length geometric objects deleted.
Enter name(s) to purge <*>:
Verify each name to be purged? [Yes/No] <Y>: n
Deleting block "ANSI31".
Deleting block "ANSI32".
Deleting block "ANSI33".
Deleting block "ANSI34".
Deleting block "ANSI35".
Deleting block "ANSI36".
Deleting block "ANSI37".
Deleting block "ANSI38".
Deleting block "BRASS".
Deleting block "BRICK".
Deleting block "CBLK16".
Deleting block "CBLK8".
Deleting block "CLAY".
Deleting block "CMBOND".
Deleting block "CONCRT".
Deleting block "CORK".
Deleting block "CROSS".
Deleting block "DASH".
Deleting block "DOLMIT".
Deleting block "EARTH".
Deleting block "ENBOND".
Deleting block "FLEX".
Deleting block "GRASS".
Deleting block "GRATE".
Deleting block "HBONE".
Deleting block "HEX".
Deleting block "HONEY".
Deleting block "INSUL".
Deleting block "PLAST".
Deleting block "PLASTI".
Deleting block "SAND".
Deleting block "SHNGLE".
Deleting block "SQUARE".
Deleting block "STARS".
Deleting block "TRIANG".
Deleting block "ZIGZAG".
36 blocks deleted.
Deleting layer "11".
Deleting layer "Equipment_New".
Deleting layer "Graphic".
Deleting layer "Instrumentation".
Deleting layer "Level 14".
Deleting layer "Level 15".
Deleting layer "Level 18".
Deleting layer "Level 19".
Deleting layer "Level 20".
Deleting layer "Level 21".
Deleting layer "Level 22".
Deleting layer "Level 29".
Deleting layer "Level 3".
Deleting layer "Level 30".
Deleting layer "Level 32".
Deleting layer "Level 33".
Deleting layer "Level 34".
Deleting layer "Level 36".
Deleting layer "Level 37".
Deleting layer "Level 38".
Deleting layer "Level 39".
Deleting layer "Level 4".
Deleting layer "Level 40".
Deleting layer "Level 41".
Deleting layer "Level 42".
Deleting layer "Level 43".
Deleting layer "Level 44".
Deleting layer "Level 45".
Deleting layer "Level 46".
Deleting layer "Level 47".
Deleting layer "Level 48".
Deleting layer "Level 49".
Deleting layer "Level 5".
Deleting layer "Level 50".
Deleting layer "Level 51".
Deleting layer "Level 52".
Deleting layer "Level 53".
Deleting layer "Level 54".
Deleting layer "Level 55".
Deleting layer "Level 56".
Deleting layer "Level 57".
Deleting layer "Level 58".
Deleting layer "Level 59".
Deleting layer "Level 6".
Deleting layer "Level 60".
Deleting layer "Level 61".
Deleting layer "Level 62".
Deleting layer "Level 63".
Deleting layer "Level 7".
Deleting layer "O-Text".
Deleting layer "Offline_Instrumentation".
Deleting layer "Piping".
Deleting layer "Piping_Comp_New".
Deleting layer "Piping_OPC".
Deleting layer "Piping_S_New".
Deleting layer "Revision_Cloud".
Deleting layer "Signal_Line_OPC".
Deleting layer "Text".
Deleting layer "Title_Block".
59 layers deleted.

No unreferenced linetypes found.

No unreferenced text styles found.

No unreferenced shape files found.

No unreferenced dimension styles found.

No unreferenced mlinestyles found.

No unreferenced plotstyles found.

No unreferenced table styles found.

No unreferenced materials found.

No unreferenced visual styles found.

No unreferenced multileader styles found.

Command: -layer

Current layer: "_0"
Enter an option
/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile]: off

Enter name list of layer(s) to turn off or <select objects>: n-tert-exst
Enter an option

Command: _change

Select objects: all
4241 found

Select objects:
Specify change point or [Properties]: p

Enter property to change
[Color/Elev/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/Material/Annotative]: c

New color [Truecolor/COlorbook] <varies>: bylayer

Enter property to change
[Color/Elev/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/Material/Annotative]: lt

Enter new linetype name <varies>: bylayer

Enter property to change
[Color/Elev/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/Material/Annotative]: s

Specify new linetype scale <1.0000>: .5

Enter property to change
[Color/Elev/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/Material/Annotative]: lw

Enter new lineweight <None>: bylayer

Enter property to change

Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Hatch boundary associativity removed.
Command: -linetype

Current line type: "Continuous"
Enter an option [?/Create/Load/Set]: l

Enter linetype(s) to load: hidden
Enter name of linetype file to search <acad.lin>:

Linetype "HIDDEN" loaded.

Enter an option [?/Create/Load/Set]:

Command: -layer

Current layer: "_0"
Enter an option
/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile]: l

Enter loaded linetype name or <Continuous>: hidden

Enter name list of layer(s) for linetype "hidden" <_0>: N-Inst-Elec
Enter an option

Command: _regen
Regenerating model.

Command: _QSAVE

Command: *Cancel*

Command: *Cancel*

Command: ._RIBBON

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ACAD
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CUSTOM
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: IMPRESSION
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: AUTODESKSEEK
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESS
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: COMPANY
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DISC_SCH
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: PROJECTWISE
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: USER


Download Attachment:
109.85 KB
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New Member

6 Posts

Posted - January 05 2012 :  6:16:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was checking with some of our people in our other office that are using Hurricane as well, and they pointed out that is I am using startpoint which, renames the open command, and removing sharepoint should fix my problem.

I am trying to get a hold of my autoCAD and Sharepoint support people to get a hand with this.

Let me do this first and if that still does not work I will get back with you.

Sorry for the hassle for it looks like one of our 3rd party programs are the problem

I have now uninstalled sharepoint and hurricane works as expected.
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