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 HP WhitePaper - Productivity
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Posted - March 07 2011 :  08:28:03 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Every once in a while, a gem comes along that really spotlights the need for investing in the RIGHT tools.

Download Attachment:
187.8 KB

If you are a fan of Hurricane, I strongly recommend you send a link to this message to those people you think would most benefit from knowing about scripting technologies, and how Hurricane works.

A few things from the whitepaper above...
The buyer of workstation technology is faced with a choice: use last year’s value set to judge technology and purchase it at bargain prices, or invest in the latest high-performance solutions providing the option of new, more productive work#64258;ows.

Yes, the best Workstation, if not utilized properly, with the right tools, will be a waste of money and time. Consider that 99% of processing power sits idle, waiting for the user. If the user is moving at the speed of a human (incredibly slow), then the computer isn't doing it's job.
Likewise, an older (slower) computer, if equipped with some properly utilized tools will outperform a state-of-the-art machine that isn't utilized properly. (You can use a hammer to drive in a screw, but a screwdriver is much more effective)

The chart on page 3 is very telling...
Most respondents believe they do need more emphasis on add-ons/customization.

*Remember the PC is the workstation, YOU are not the workstation. IT should be doing most of the work, and YOU should be telling it what to do, not the other way around.

If you have any questions or comments, I'd be happy to demonstrate how productive you can be using the power of Hurricane on your PC.

Feel free to contact me to arrange your personal test-drive.


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