Would it be possible to get a find and replace text in the script editor?
I have many locations that I have set up for a standard that needs to get changed out to the new project info.
For example my standard text info is PROJ and that can be in 12 different locations. Then I need to change all PROJ to G213 so I need to go to Every one and change them. If there was a find and replace with in the editor I can do it once.
I've attached an update with the "Search and Replace" function in the lower right hand corner of the "Editor" window.
I've also added a "Match Case" function, in case you want to search and match the EXACT case ("asdf" is NOT the same as "ASDF" with "Match Case" enabled). If you don't care about the case of what you are looking for, then just leave it unchecked.
The Case sensitive function will be really great. I found that there is one line that would contain the word that I don't want to replace. So I will then just make the ones to replace all lower case the on the one not to replace upper case.