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 Plotting sets of drawings [& META Commands]
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Posted - February 08 2005 :  5:43:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is there a way to plot a given number of sets of drawings using a plot script? If I want to plot 5 sets of drawings I have to click the "create & RUN batch script" button five times. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks in advance.


112 Posts

Posted - February 08 2005 :  5:46:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You can add the drawings to the list (que) multiple times, so the script processes each drawing multiple times.

Steve Bubendorf
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Hurricane-Extreme User

216 Posts

Posted - February 08 2005 :  9:28:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yup...Multilply your queue! and if you turn your autosort feature off they will print in order too. One full set after the another.

The other way would be to append your plot scripts... but then you wouldn't have collated sets as above.

If you do a lot of this stuff the METAS can come in handy for controlling the sort functionality. If you're unfamiliar with these guys, let me know... I'll post an example scriptit you could copy and paste if you'd like. This could eliminate you having to remember to turn off/on the auto/smart/ascending/descending-sorting

Mike Fischer
Fischer Design Group, LLC
Building Model Coordination - Steel Detailing - Connection Design
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112 Posts

Posted - February 09 2005 :  08:52:53 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to see your script. I see references to the Meta stuff all the time in your posts and in Bill's replies, but I still haven't figured them out.


Steve Bubendorf
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112 Posts

Posted - February 09 2005 :  6:47:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks, Mike !! It still looks like Greek to me, but as you stated, I'm sure the best way to understand it is to give it a try. Now that you've been kind enough to post some examples and help for me, I guess I'm obligated to dive into it in the near future. I'll let you know how it goes.


Steve Bubendorf
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653 Posts

Posted - February 09 2005 :  9:17:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is something else you can try... (Maybe the "How to META" command posts can be cross posted to a new thread so the subject line is easy for everyone to find... I'll see if I can move these threads...

Create a new, blank script with only this in the script.


and save it as "test1"

Then create a new, blank script with only this in the script


and save it as "test2"

Now go into Tools->Options, and the GUI Tab, and make sure that "Enable META Commands" is checked.

Now go and click "test1" script, then click "test2" script... you should see the "Abort" checkbox toggle each time you click between the two scripts...

This should give you a quick idea as to what META means... if you enter the script editor, down at the bottom is a "META Commands" combo-box, with all the META's listed, so you don't have to remember any of them.

Hope this helps!

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