I have a problem where I want to enter a string for a plot stamp to be used on the batch plotting. I generated a function 'Hurr_plostamp' and it works when entered manually on the commamd line in AutoCAD. But when put in the PreScript, it will not stop for any entry. In fact it see's next lisp line as the entry. I am new at this and have read and googled everything.
i can't seem to edit my message so i'll put it here:
the prescript is: (hurr_plotstamp)
(defun Hurr_PlotStamp();This puts a plot stamp on a drawing if anything is entered... ; gets user input, the T means it accepts spaces (setq project (getstring T "\nEnter PlotStamp if you want here:")) (if (/= project ""); if input, then set up plotstamp (progn (command "_.plotstamp" "on"\r); stamp On / OFF (command "_.plotstamp" "F" "no" "no" "no" "no" "no" "no" "no"\r); Stamp Fields: drawing name Y/N ; Stamp layout name Y/N ; Stamp date and time Y/N ; Stamp login name Y/N ; Stamp plot device name Y/N ; Stamp paper size Y/N ; Stamp scale Y/N (command "_.plotstamp" "U" project ""\r); User fields: User field 1 user field 2 (command "_.plotstamp" "L" "no"\r); Log file Y/N (command "_.plotstamp" "LOC" "BL" "H" "N" "0.7,0.25" "B"\r); LOCation: TL,TR,BL,BR ; stamp Horizontal or Verticle ; Stamp upside down Y/N ; plot stamp offset ; offset relative to Boarder or Area (command "_.plotstamp" "T" "Tahoma" 0.06 "Y"\r); Font name ; Text height ; Plot stamp on single line Y/N (command "_.plotstamp" "UN" "I"\r); Units Inches/Millimeters/Pixels )))