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 Duplicate tag names

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Strobe Posted - April 20 2009 : 1:48:35 PM
I love the title block update wizard and have used it many times but now have a bunch of drawings from a client with a title block that uses the same tag name for mulitple attributes. For example they use a tag name of X to represent the Drawing Number, project number, Sheet number, and rev number. Bad idea I know. Can I use a combo of the tag name and tag handle in the Title Block Wizard to modify these attributes? If I use only the tag name then they all end up with the same value. I've attached a sample for reference.

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Strobe Posted - June 20 2012 : 09:58:17 AM
No, never found a solution. Please reply if you find one. Good luck.
autocadnewbie Posted - June 19 2012 : 11:32:23 PM
Did you have any luck with this problem. I have exactly the same one. Hundreds of drawings with the same title block that has duplicate tag names. Makes changing the tag values with a batch LISP program a hassle.

Admin Posted - April 20 2009 : 5:27:27 PM

Short of modifying the lisp to look at both tag and tag hand, to do exactly what you mention below, not much you can do without correcting things at the source of the problem.

There might be a lisper in here that knows his stuff and can help achieve this! Anyone?


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