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 Titleblock Update Wizard Error

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WhatTheHeckBeck Posted - June 17 2021 : 1:21:56 PM
I've been using hurricane for a long time, and encountered a new problem. Recently when I try to run a script using the Titleblock Update Wizard, I get the following error at the command line and the attributes fail to update.

Command: TB_WIZ1
Enter BLOCK NAME: "Title Block"
Enter the ATTRIBUTE NAME to change: Insulation Type
Enter new attribute VALUE: (CG)
; error: bad argument type: lentityp nil

I don't have this issue when I use basic scripts. Running on AutoCAD 2020.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Admin Posted - June 21 2021 : 10:29:18 AM
Hmmm... not sure how to fix this... I'm no lisp expert...

There is this posting here... regarding the error message...

Can anyone that knows lisp chime-in?
WhatTheHeckBeck Posted - June 17 2021 : 2:42:03 PM
Sorry, here's the drawing with some attributes and company logos removed.

I also tried putting quotes around the desired text and it didn't work either.

Enter the ATTRIBUTE NAME to change: Insulation Type
Enter new attribute VALUE: "(CG)"
; error: bad argument type: lentityp nil

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107.29 KB
WhatTheHeckBeck Posted - June 17 2021 : 2:34:14 PM
Thanks for the replies!

It's actually more confusing now. So to answer your first question, this has been happening in all drawings. However, I did try updating another attribute that didn't require any special characters, and it worked. So then I removed the parenthesis from the "Insulation Type" attribute, but it still didn't work. Here's an example of what I'm getting now:

TB_WIZ1.LSP Ver. 1.0.1
Command: TB_WIZ1
Enter BLOCK NAME: "Title Block"
Enter the ATTRIBUTE NAME to change: Insulation Type
Enter new attribute VALUE: CG
; error: bad argument type: lentityp nil
Command: TB_WIZ1
Enter BLOCK NAME: "Title Block"
Enter the ATTRIBUTE NAME to change: REV
Enter new attribute VALUE: 1
Command: REGEN
Command: Regenerating model.

The "REV" attribute does get updated but the "Insulation Type" does not.
Admin Posted - June 17 2021 : 2:13:13 PM
Oh, just occurred to me... the error says bad argument...

Thus, the (CG) may be the problem.

Maybe the brackets are being picked up as lisp.
Try changing (CG) to something else... (without brackets for now).

If it works, then you know that is the issue.

Then can try encapsulating with quotes etc "(CG)" instead... or '(CG)'. Just thinking outside the box for now... I don't have your drawing so can't play... ;)
Admin Posted - June 17 2021 : 2:06:45 PM

Does this happen with ALL your drawings, or just a particular one?

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