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GregD Posted - March 29 2021 : 1:07:52 PM
Something just happened to my Autocad2018 that it no longer runs Hurricane batch scripts.
I'm prompted DWGOPEN unknown command.
Where is this defined? is there a setting in Hurricane for this, or Is there a lisp that needs to be loaded in CAD?
Strange, everything was working well, it just changed this last time i tried to run a batch.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - March 29 2021 : 2:06:18 PM
Hi GregD,

No worries!

(For others reading this... it was the
"_DGOPEN Unknown command "DGOPEN"

line that gave it away... somehow option #3 was selected, which won't work unless you have DWGGateway installed.
GregD Posted - March 29 2021 : 1:32:55 PM
I'm sorry, you were indicating pref's in Hurricane. I feel dumb....
It's all good.
Thanks again for the extremely quick reply!
GregD Posted - March 29 2021 : 1:28:31 PM
Thanks for the quick reply!

This is from the command line (F2)
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ME
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CUSTOM
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: MODELDOC
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DBCONNECT
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: APPMANAGER
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: FEATUREDAPPS
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ADEPT
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ARCHITECTURAL
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESS
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DSI_TOOLBARS_PLUGINS
Regenerating model.
**** System Variable Changed ****
1 of the monitored system variables has changed from the preferred value. Use SYSVARMONITOR command to view changes.
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.; error: LOAD failed: "DIV_LOADER"
Command: *Cancel*
Command: _SDI
Enter new value for SDI <1>: 1
Command: (if (/= (getvar "DBMOD") 0)(command "_DGOPEN" "_Y")(command "_DGOPEN"))
_DGOPEN Unknown command "DGOPEN". Press F1 for help.
Command: nil
Command: _options

I don't see any options in User _Preferences to select the way it opens.
Admin Posted - March 29 2021 : 1:15:52 PM
Hi GregD,

Please doublecheck your settings in "Tools-> Options -> Prefs" Tab.

There are 4 options...
1. Use "Open" with DBMod
2. Use "Recover" with DBMod
3. Use DWGGateway
4. Other ("_OPEN")

Please ensure you have selected 1 or 4, if #1 doesn't work, try #4 as a test.

If neither are working, please double-check your AutoCAD session. There may be something that is starting during startup that is running prior to the script being handed over to AutoCAD, and it may be blocking the hurricane.scr file from running.

The best way to diagnose further is by pressing F2 in AutoCAD and taking a look at the command history.

Else, please write and send screenshots of the above, and I'll help you try another couple of debugging

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