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 Scripting via AutoCAD Core Console

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Strobe Posted - March 10 2020 : 2:24:41 PM
Has anyone figure out how to configure Hurricane to run scripts via the AutoCAD Core Console (accoreconsole.exe) instead of acad.exe? I've changed the "AutoCAD Executable Location" to point to the core console exe but it's not working.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - March 10 2020 : 3:05:17 PM
Hi Strobe,

AutoCAD Core Console requires a different input format. It seems to work on one drawing per Console session. (I could be wrong though, as I've never used it). I can see immediately that it doesn't have the same input format, as the output Hurricane makes tailored for the AutoCAD command line.

Console uses [drawing][script]

While Hurricane generates a single 'batch' script that opens each drawing consecutively and then applies each command (built into the main script).

Please see here for good examples of Core Console.

Apart from the lighter footprint, I fail to see the advantage of CC.

Disadvantages: Seem like (but I could be wrong! Please fill me in!), that if launching multiple CC's at the same time (through a lisp or VBA), each CC is running asynchronous. So when printing, for example, whichever drawing opens and prints first gets printed (hardcopy) first. Could definitely be an issue if you want then printed in a particular order (PDF's would be fine obviously!), or if you want to update title-blocks, and have the drawings numbered consecutively. Or am I missing something?

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