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 Constant Hour Glass

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tim_crouse Posted - October 20 2021 : 1:19:12 PM
Running Windows 10 Pro.

When I tap SAVE in the script list pane the hourglass appears and does not go away, nor does it save the script to the script list in the pane.

Any ideas on how to get it to save properly?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - October 20 2021 : 2:43:12 PM
Originally posted by tim_crouse

The solution was to run Hurricane as an ADMINISTRATOR. That allowed the script to be saved.

Or that too!

Admin Posted - October 20 2021 : 2:35:53 PM
Hi Tim,

I've just done some testing.
Seems your /SCRIPTS/ directory is READ-ONLY.

Double-click the "User Script Name:" label to open the folder in Explorer to confirm your "save" isn't being saved at all.

Navigate one folder back, right-click onto the /SCRIPTS/ folder, and select Properties. Confirm the folder attribute is currently READ-ONLY (will have a check-box checked).

Uncheck the box, if you have system permission, and click APPLY and OK.

Hopefully that solves the issue.

I'll look at putting a proper error-message in Hurricane to notify the user of this.
tim_crouse Posted - October 20 2021 : 2:30:22 PM
The solution was to run Hurricane as an ADMINISTRATOR. That allowed the script to be saved.

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