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 Hurricane v6.8.26

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - April 06 2011 : 4:11:53 PM
Here is the latest patch for Hurricane.

This fixes "Report DWG files by Versions", and removes some error checking code that was conflicting with Windows 7.

If you are getting errors with Vista or Windows 7, it is related to the security settings of the DWG folder you are accessing.

Download Attachment:
192.63 KB
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - September 08 2011 : 3:00:30 PM
Hi Tom,

Haven't heard of this before..

Please send your screen shots to, and I'll take a look at them.

tscurlo Posted - September 08 2011 : 1:11:13 PM
Good Afternoon,

Using Windows XP SP3 and AutoCAD 2010.

I am a licensed user of Hurricane and currently running the 6.8.17
revision. I downloaded the 6.8.26 zip file and followed the other
instructions in this forum on how to perform the update/patch.

I extracted the new hurricane file into the existing program location.
I renamed the old hurricane file and added the numbers to the name as instructed.
I then renamed the new hurricane file to hurricane.exe as instructed.

When I open the new hurricane.exe file... I get the standard "Open File-Security Warning" dialog box telling me the Publisher could not be verified. I go ahead and click the RUN button and it opens up Hurricane. But it is missing the script selection window on the right hand side... and also the OPTIONS selection in the TOOLS pulldown menu is missing.
When I look at the "About Hurricane" in the help menu... it shows that I am registered and it also has my license number in there.

I tried to attached two jpg's showing my screen shots of my issue.
But I don't see where they have loaded with this reply.

Has anyone else had this trouble?

thanks..... Tom

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