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 Deleting Pagesetups via lisp

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gdury Posted - March 27 2003 : 04:21:54 AM
Copy the following code and paste it into a blank text
file and name it something like "DeletePageSetups.lsp".
Save this file somewhere where you can find it later....

--copy from here--
(defun c:DeletePageSetups (/ cdg-PageSetup)
(vlax-for cdg-Item (vla-get-plotconfigurations
(vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-delete (list cdg-Item))
--to here--

Start AutoCAD and add "DeletePageSetups.lsp" to your
startup suite using the command "appload".

You now have a command named DeletePageSetups that will
delete all page setups. You can then create a script that
will run this command. Something like:

--script start--
--end script--

Graham Dury
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BK Posted - April 03 2003 : 7:27:17 PM
You might want to try this Shawn.

Add the code:

This function loads the extended autolisp functions for Visual Lisp if they are not already loaded.

So the code now becomes:

(defun c:DeletePageSetups
	(/ cdg-PageSetup)
	(vlax-for cdg-Item
		(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-delete
			(list cdg-Item)

This fixed it on my system. Anyone else!?
BK Posted - April 03 2003 : 11:46:20 AM
Hi Graham,

I get the same result as Shawn. Same error. (I'm trying it in A2K)

Is there some other component that must be loaded to access the VL stuff? Possibly a Visual Lisp ARX or something?

Maybe take a look in your "Tools -> Load Application" and see what ARX files you have loaded. This might help us. I wonder if the "Migration Assistant" stuff has to be loaded...

gdury Posted - April 03 2003 : 11:05:59 AM
I'am assuming you have pagesetups already within the drawing you are trying to execute the lisp routine on.
Did you create a script file called DeletePageSetups.scr, and run this prior to applying Command: DeletePageSetups .
Please advise
huylersm Posted - April 03 2003 : 09:00:36 AM
Can you please help me with this? I cut and pasted from your post for the Deletepagesetups.lsp file, and ran it in Autocad. But I got the following error:

; error: no function definition: VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT

What does this mean? Did I do something wrong?

Thanks for the help

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