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 Block insert - easy way

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ghawkins Posted - April 13 2005 : 7:05:38 PM
Here is another way to do a block insert so AutoCad doesn't ask you to fill in the attributes:

Insert your block(s) into a blank drawing. Save the drawing, give it a different name from your inserted block, in your drawing directory. For this explanation, let's call it x.dwg
Create and run your script that inserts and explodes x.dwg.

This works very well for block replace, just insert your old block and new block into the same drawing. Create a script that -insert x.dwg into your drawing in an unused portion, runs br.lsp or similar program that "selects" the old block, and replaces it with the new block. Remember to include erase window of the inserted blocks and purge in your script.

Word of caution, never include a space in the filename of a block. If you try to do the above block replace ACad thinks the space is an enter key press.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - March 27 2007 : 7:06:15 PM
Note: YES, never use a space in a block name, however:
IF you ever run into a block that has a name with a SPACE in it, just encapsulate the block name in QUOTES.
THE BLOCK <- not good
"THE BLOCK" <- will work

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