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 Layout tab wizard

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Shadowp68 Posted - January 12 2007 : 1:32:44 PM
Would it be possible to get a layout tab wizard to rename layout tabs. It would work simmilar to the title block update wizard.

the one coloum would have the old tab name and the second column the new tab name. Then it would create the necesary script info.


old tab name
new tab name

I am having to copy, paste, then edit for all my tabs that needs to be replaced, if there was the wizard I would be able to see all tabs without having to scroll down.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shadowp68 Posted - February 02 2007 : 1:14:03 PM
I have been putting the Layout wiard through its test. I haven't found anything that really needs to be changed as of right now but I will keep you posted.
Shadowp68 Posted - January 17 2007 : 12:26:10 PM
Sure I will take a look at it to see if it would work for me.
mbicm Posted - January 17 2007 : 10:21:13 AM
I found a vba that does the same thing a few months ago. You select which tabs you want to rename, then you can do a find and replace, prefix, suffix, or copy. it doesnt do everything we want (renumbering feature would be nice) but the find and replace is real handy for us.
I could post it if you want to give that a try.
Shadowp68 Posted - January 15 2007 : 3:20:44 PM
That is what I am looking for.

I will give it a good testing this week and let you know if there is anything that can be twicked.

Admin Posted - January 14 2007 : 5:16:34 PM
Hi ShadowP68,

Download Attachment:
191.21 KB

The new Wizard is found under the "Wizards"->"Layouts" menu. I've added a few other commands to make things more "complete".

Not sure if I should leave the "TAGS" in place (like Title-Block Wizard), but it gives you the option to use Tags in your Layout names.

I guess I should do the same sort of Wizard for the -LAYERS command.

Please respond to let me know if this is what you had in mind.

Admin Posted - January 12 2007 : 9:33:20 PM

No problem... working on it...

Shadowp68 Posted - January 12 2007 : 3:02:03 PM
I have one drawing that containes 36 tabs so make it an even 40?

Admin Posted - January 12 2007 : 1:59:14 PM
Hi Shadowp68,

That should be easy enough.

How many "tabs" are you wanting to be renamed in one go?
(i.e. Is 10 enough for the wizard? 20?)


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