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 Edit Text Faster (DDATTE & DDEDIT replacement)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BK Posted - March 29 2003 : 09:51:31 AM
This routine from Gary Goode was called "Multi-Edit", and allows you to select multiple text or block objects one at a time, in a particular order and edit the text in them. You can select text and blocks together, and each time you edit the text and press "OK", the next selected text item appears.

No more need for typing the typical DDEDIT or DDATTE, then SELECT, EDIT, DDEDIT, SELECT, EDIT, over and over again to edit multiple text/blocks with attributes.

Just type DD, select each of the text entities (and/or blocks with attributes) you wish to manually edit, then continue, and each entities edit box will appear in the order you selected them. Makes for VERY FAST manual text changes.

I have changed the name of the lisp to DD rather than ME, and changed the defun to DD as well (it's just faster to type DD than ME!!)

You can autoload this routine by putting it in your /SUPPORT/ directory, and editing your ACADnnnn.LSP (where nnnn is your AutoCAD version number, this file should also exist in your support directory) and include the line:

Restart AutoCAD, and you are ready!

This is about the most handy/simple/timesaving manual text editing routine I have found, and recommend it to everyone. You'll NEVER need to use DDATTE or DDEDIT ever again!

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