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cwthomas80 Posted - November 28 2005 : 12:41:34 PM
I found a way to change my text in my block by using the REFEDITE command. But I'm having trouble making a script to pick the block and then select the text and save the information. Is there a script out there that can do this using the REFEDIT command?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Phil Posted - October 20 2008 : 11:48:10 AM
The following script will allow you modify mtext in a block using the REFEDIT command:


-VBARUN MTEXT.SearchAndReplace
text to be changed
changed text


The second line is a location somewhere on the block so that the block is selected as the reference. You may also need to change the filedia to 0.
Admin Posted - November 28 2005 : 4:29:27 PM
Hi Curt,

Things aren't going to be easy when selecting blocks. There are a few methods, like using the SSX command (do a search for it here in the forums), as well as using the "select w" and specifying a window (if your blocks are in the same place everytime).

Sorry, there is nothing built-in to AutoCAD that helps with this situation that I know of...

cwthomas80 Posted - November 28 2005 : 4:21:55 PM
Bill, Yes I did try the -REFEDIT. But I have to select the block that has the text I need to change. How do I list that procedure in a script? Also, after I pick the block. I have to slect the text that I need to change and use TEDIT. Then I need to close REFEDIT procedure. This looks like a very complex procedure. Guess I'll have to do this manually. I have to change about 70 drawings. If you can think of something that will help speed this up let me know.
Admin Posted - November 28 2005 : 3:08:20 PM

Have you tried -REFEDIT (with the minus sign?)


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