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 Huricane 6.1.10

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Admin Posted - August 23 2003 : 2:56:15 PM
Hurricane now includes a "Simple Mode" for administrators who wish to restrict user access to Hurricanes script editing features.

You can access the "Admin Tool" by installing the new version of Hurricane, and the Admin Tool (previously known as the Harvester) will be installed in the KEYS directory (and a link will be placed in your START menu). Please See the FAQ ( for more information on the Admin Tool.

You can download the newest version of Hurricane at

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - December 13 2005 : 11:31:02 AM
Thanks Miksteele, I noticed the barrage of notifications and I've deleted the user. This is the second time that this user has done this (advertising their online gaming stuff)

Miksteele Posted - December 13 2005 : 11:11:37 AM
Jayda328 is spaming the hell out of your forum
Miksteele Posted - August 23 2003 : 3:35:40 PM
This is great!

I tossed a few of your new META-COMMANDS into my common my more complex scripts can be run by my SIMPLE USERS !!!

I have an idea that may enhance Hurricane's ability to simplify the complex

Basically... I have a need for Hurricane to automatically select a particular TAG based on the DIRECTORY of the currently opened queued file

I guess...possibly oversimplified... I need a TAG that will grab some job specific data, and I need it to be a Hurricane setup item.

I gotta think there are some others out there that tweak the little things here and there for different ongoing projects ...

I will expound later, (soon), on more of this craziness in the NEW FEATURE REQUEST forum.

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