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 Hurricane for AutoCAD
 Hurricane v7.0.2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - September 13 2016 : 09:40:12 AM
New version of Hurricane with installer is online.

Minor Updates/cleaning (AutoCAD 2016)
Please download from

(Remember to back your existing /SCRIPTS/ and /KEYS/ directories (if you are installing overtop of your existing installation, or simply install to a new directory and copy your /SCRIPTS/ and /KEYS/ into the new installation)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - September 15 2016 : 11:20:44 AM
Seems sometimes, Windows Systems (7, 8 & 10) (depending on settings) have permissions issues installing Hurricane to the:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Hurricane for AutoCAD" directory.

I've updated the installer to default it to install to install to the root of C:
i.e. "C:\Hurricane for AutoCAD"

If you are ever having read/write issues, double-check to see if you are installed in "Program Files (x86)", and if so, simply move Hurricane to a new directory (it's own directory in root is usually fine), and run it from there... remember to update any shortcuts you may have on the desktop.


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