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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - February 19 2007 : 10:29:06 AM
A tutorials page is now online!

This is just the beginning! More will be added over time!

I have created a couple of "beginner" tutorials on how to SETUP and USE Hurricane.

If you have any ideas for other tutorials, or tricks-tips that are best shown in a graphical format, please don't hesitate to write me, and I can quickly publish them!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - March 01 2007 : 4:13:33 PM

I've added two that deal with TAGS (one Search and Replace Text using TAG), and another that introduces tags by showing how they all translate when compiled (in a single dummy script). My next attack (big job) will be the Title-Block Update Wizard.

Also, fresh off the presses, a Guide to "Network Installation". Hopefully it answers a few more questions, and clarifies things for those considering putting Hurricane on their Network.

I hope these help!

Miksteele Posted - February 23 2007 : 4:51:41 PM
Yeah those would be helpful to the masses I'm sure. The demonstrations go a long way. It would have helped me in the beginning.
Admin Posted - February 23 2007 : 4:29:21 PM
Thanks Miksteele!

I hope to have many more as time permits!

I think Command Capture (Plot script generation) TAGS and META commands are next on the list!

Miksteele Posted - February 23 2007 : 1:31:34 PM

Your videos are excellent! I sat through one the other day admiring your "instructional video production" craftsmanship! You really do everything top notch! This is a great start to what could be a very comprehensive library. Dare I say... Hurricane's advanced functions
Admin Posted - February 22 2007 : 9:59:35 PM

Tutorials page is updated, slowed things down quite a bit.

I turned the SETTINGS TAB movie into a 12 minute episode , and added another movie, "QuickStart: Hurricane in 3 steps".

If you spot anything strange, please let me know!

Admin Posted - February 22 2007 : 11:32:08 AM
Thanks for the feedback Robbie!

I'm updating it now! I'm really slowing things down, and going over them a couple of times to make things clear.

Keep the comments coming!

alfienoakes Posted - February 22 2007 : 06:11:07 AM

I had a look at the "Settings" Tutorial and, for me, it runs a little to quickly. Not enough time to take it all in.

Very useful though. I learnt a couple of things and I'm a long time user of Hurricane.

Thanks for your hard work.


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