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 Hurricane 6.5.5 (update)

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Admin Posted - May 04 2005 : 8:09:42 PM

I've found a bug in the "Night-Run" option... Actually, it just wouldn't work! I'm surprised nobody mentioned it. (I guess it isn't a popular feature) (I haven't used in ages too )

Here is the update that fixes it.


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Admin Posted - May 04 2005 : 9:50:19 PM
Hmm... yes... I often get into that jam as well... you can't sit around waiting for someone to close a file...

There are just some things that you can't get around... the script must be generated before it is run, and the drawings in the list might change state (to "locked") at any point in time, by any user (without knowing they are creating a problem), before AutoCAD gets to them (in the script), so the script will stall out.


Miksteele Posted - May 04 2005 : 9:26:37 PM
All kidding aside... I have used it before. But like you, I do generally run things during the day. It is nice though. Not so much NIGHT RUN. Just a scheduled script runner for me. Like "hurry up and close that file... Hurricane's going to need it in 5 minutes". Setups would just give people options for creative use.
Admin Posted - May 04 2005 : 9:11:39 PM

You select the script you want to run, fill the Queue with the files you want to run, and then select "Night Run" from the Tools menu, set the time, and Activate it. Hehehe...

Just kidding around...
I was going to say, that I don't need to save things for night-time, I just run them during the day... so I haven't used that feature in a looong time.

"Night Run" just basically counts-down to the time the "CREATE AND RUN" button is automatically pressed.

I think I understand what you want... you want to be able to save "setups", that can be recalled?

Miksteele Posted - May 04 2005 : 8:37:21 PM
Hey... Hurricane runs my stuff so fast... I don't need to run things over night anymore!

Actually... since you bring it up. If there was a way to "Night Run" a particular script with a particular filelist at the predetermined time... look out!

Oh... then maybe it could zip up my submittal, fill out my transmittal and email it too! Just kidding... it already does that! (...well almost)

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