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 NEW - DWGGateway Compatibility

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - April 25 2005 : 8:32:58 PM

In case you haven't heard, there is a Free Utility that is causing a few eyebrows to be raised in the AutoCAD community. It is called DWGGateway (

With this utility, you have the ability to open AutoCAD files that were created in a NEWER version of AutoCAD than the version you have installed. (Basically, you don't have to have the latest version installed, to open the latest version DWG files). (Who hates those, "Unknown DWG format", or similar messages!?)
<i>(This can come in handy if you've been given files from another source that is using a version of AutoCAD that is newer than yours, which in my world, happens all the time!).</i>

In the latest release, they have enabled the ability to <u>script the OPEN command</u>. Which means, it is now "Hurricanable" (if I can make up such a word!)

I've made a small change to Hurricane, with an option to "Use DWGGateway" to OPEN your files (In the Hurricane-Tools->Options->Prefs Tab)

<i>Please note, you MUST put "FILEDIA 0" in the Prebatch box (Hurricane -> Settings Tab)</i>

If you have any comments, or are having trouble, please write back here on this subject!

This is a beta of this compatibility feature in Hurricane, so any comments or suggestions are appreciated!


<b>Download Attachment:</b><br />181.29 KB
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - January 23 2006 : 09:42:50 AM
Just wanted to correct my last post...

The FILEDIA commands must be put in the SETTINGS tab in Hurricane.
In the "Prebatch" field, add "FILEDIA 0"
in the "Postbatch" field add "FILEDIA 1"

This will prevent the fileselector from appearing.

Sorry for any confusion!
Admin Posted - October 31 2005 : 09:15:57 AM

Looks like DWGGATEWAY has their problem with the fileselector FIXED.

Just set FILEDIA 0 at the beginning of your script and set it back to FILEDIA 1 at the end, and you can convert drawings you couldn't normally open.

i.e. You have AutoCAD 2000, and someone sends you a whole bunch of file from AutoCAD 2004. Normally, you would have to write them to have them convert them for you.

Now, using Hurricane, with DWGGATEWAY you can batch convert the drawings back down to the current version of AutoCAD that you have.

Create a simple script like this...


In Hurricane Set Tools->Options->Prefs->"Use DWGGATEWAY".

(optional) In Hurricane goto the SAVEAS tab:
Select the version you wish to SaveAS (it must be equal to or LESS than your current version)
Set a new "Suffix" like "-R2000", and make sure you have set Output to "Same Location" (or choose other).
This will simply make sure that a backup is made, and the original is untouched.

The only drawback it seems, is that DWGGATEWAY pops-up an "ok" box for each drawing...
I guess we will have to hit ENTER on every drawing... no big deal, I suppose...

Hope this helps!
Admin Posted - April 30 2005 : 4:33:14 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention... there is another change in this update I didn't mention...

I've changed the "ABORT" checkbox to "TEST RUN"... just in case anyone is wondering where the META Command for "Abort" went.

The replacement META commands are


Hopefully in the next release of DWGGateway, they will have fixed the problem with the dialog box, and this version of Hurricane already has the necessary changes to run with it.

huylersm Posted - April 26 2005 : 08:17:16 AM
Bill -
This is a product from Solidworks if you didn't know. And for those of us that use Solidworks & Autocad, the new 2005 version of Solidworks has an Autocad drawing editor. Looks & feels almost identical to Autocad. Even has the command prompt, and the dialogue boxes are almost identical.

Admin Posted - April 26 2005 : 07:59:54 AM
(Unfortunately, I was only able to test it previously opening files made with the current version of AutoCAD. This works fine, as DWGGateway doesn't throw any prompts up)

Upon further testing... it seems that DWGGateway throws up a dialog box every time you attempt to open a file that was created with a NEWER than current version of AutoCAD.
Why they would do this, is beyond me! Probably just an oversight.

The prompt says something like "DGConv - The file being opened is a copy in AutoCAD [ver/ver] and is saved at c: emp[filename].dwg", which stalls the script.

Sorry to get your hopes up!

I will get in touch with them, and try to get this fixed.

If you can, please write them!


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