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 How to use the Patches/Updates

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - April 14 2005 : 04:46:41 AM
The core Hurricane install is located at

You will need it installed BEFORE you try running any of the "Update" or "Patch" files (as they are sometimes called).

1) After you have installed Hurricane using the core install, please download the "Update" ZIP file (usually under 200Kb). It will contain a file called "hurricane x.x.x.exe" (the x.x.x is the version number)

2) UnZIP the "hurricane x.x.x.exe" file into your existing ../Hurricane/ directory (Wether you have installed Hurricane locally or on the Network doesn't matter).

3) Open the ../Hurricane/ directory and rename your existing (old, or original) "hurricane.exe" to "hurricane y.y.y.exe" (the y.y.y is the old version you are upgrading from)

4) Rename the newly added "hurricane x.x.x.exe" to just "hurricane.exe" (and all your existing shortcuts should now run the updated file). This is especially important if you have a number of users running "hurricane.exe" from the network drive.

-You may notice a discrepancy in the file sizes between a core "hurricane.exe" and a patch "hurricane.exe". The core is usually 1.2Mb, and the patch is under 700Kb. This is because the core version contains a number of support files that are unpacked in realtime You may need to run the core hurricane.exe (1.2Mb) on a virgin machine (only once) to properly setup the system-

Of course, if you have any questions, please write!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - March 01 2007 : 3:59:09 PM
Hi ryoerger,

You can just perform the operation as stated above using the latest "patch". (I guess it really isn't a patch actually, it's more like a "replacement" of the EXE )

If you ever want to perform a clean Uninstall/Install (which I recommend when upgrading major revision numbers), make sure you backup your /SCRIPTS/ and /KEYS/ directories before Uninstalling. Then copy them back in after you perform the full install.
If I ever make any changes that require a FULL&CLEAN install, I will mention it in the release notes.</i>


ryoerger Posted - March 01 2007 : 3:35:39 PM
I am currently running Hurricane v6.5.13. If I want it to update through all of the accumulative updates, can I simply install the latest update file?

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