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 Force all xref to be overlay method

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Strobe Posted - September 13 2006 : 2:46:47 PM
I need to batch 500 dwgs and force all xref attachments to be overlay method (not attached method). Any ideas?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - September 13 2006 : 3:16:07 PM
Very good question... I wish I had a good answer...

I can't find any good information on how to do this using the command line. There is plenty on using the dialog boxes.

Changing the status of an xref from attached to overlay without detaching and reattaching it.

The attached or overlay status of an xref can be quickly changed without detaching and reattaching it. The following steps describe the process. 1. Select an object from the xref you want to overlay. This highlights the entire xref and any nested xrefs. 2. Right-click anywhere in the screen area to display a pop-up menu. 3. From the pop-up menu, select Xref Manager to display the Xref Manager dialog. 4. Highlight the xref name under the Reference Name of which you want to change the status. 5. Under the 'Type' heading, double-click the word Attach. Notice it changes to Overlay. (The status changes each time you double-click the Type heading.) 6. Choose OK to complete the process.

XREFTYPE - If you prefer using overlayed XREFs to attached, you can change the setting for XREFTYPE to 1. This will change the default setting to Overlay (you can still specify Attached of course).

The problem is, ONCE it is inserted and set, how can this be changed using either the command line, or lisp?.

Good question, I will keep looking!


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