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 select attributes by field

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - January 17 2005 : 12:40:04 PM
Hi everybody,
Here is my situation. I use a lisp program from our manufacturer to input cabinets with attributes, it draws the cabinets and inserts the model number with all the correct info for ordering in the attribute. now the problem is that every attribute has the same name. (cabinfo)

What I want to be able to do is change the attributes of certain cabinets without doing it globally to all the cabinets in the drawing
I can't change by using a find and replace because I need to select the certain cabinets.

Example: I have 3 wall cabinets 12" deep 1 (W0100), 1 (W0120)& 1 (W0110).

I need the model(W0100) to be 18" deep globally throughout a whole set of lets say a hundred sheets. the attributes look something like this


tag prompt value
model W0100
height 30
depth 12
width 36
room A136
elev 24A

If I could select the cabinets by the model number (W0100) that
would really help. Let me know if anybody knows of a good way to do this

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - April 25 2005 : 10:16:25 AM
I believe I got the lisp routine from the forum listed in my original post. I had not actually run the routine until now. As it is written, it only selects the blocks that contain the attributes with the desired attribute value. If you post to the original forum, you may be able to find someone to help you rather quickly. I am sure that for the geniuses there, it is a simple fix to adapt it to what you need specifically.

I think that I can probably get it modified, as well. I don't dare spend any more "company" time on it right now, though. I will put it near the top of my list, however, and see if I can modify it for you at some future time. (No promises, since blocks and attributes are a little more difficult to work with in Lisp than lines and circles, etc., and I am far from good at this stuff).

In the mean time, if you do get a workable response from the other forum, could you please post here, so that I know that you got what you needed? THANKS !!
n/a Posted - April 25 2005 : 08:08:26 AM
I can select all the blocks that I want and it comes out with how many I have selected. But when I do select, and previous it selects all the objects. Its so close to exactly what I was looking for if I can just get it to select previous only the ones that I wanted. Let me know what I can do to get this to work for me. Thanks.
Miksteele Posted - January 18 2005 : 09:57:20 AM
To start the program, type(GetBlock "YourBlockName" "YourAttributeName" "YourAttributeValue")

Here's my script:

(GetBlock "SSS-TB" "CHK" "ADR")

Then depending on what you are doing, you need to add a SELECT command and PREVIOUS to grab the block you want.
n/a Posted - January 18 2005 : 09:44:31 AM
hey sbubendorf,
thanks for the lisp, it looks like its something I could use for my problem but I can't seem to get the lisp to run. I load it into my drawing and it loads fine but it won't run(getblock). It tells me (there are two few arguments) I don't know a whole lot about lisp so maybe somewhere there is a parenthesy missing or maybe I need to change the name let me know if you can see anything wrong with the lisp, or maybe its something I'm missing.
Miksteele Posted - January 17 2005 : 2:44:44 PM
Thanks! That worked
n/a Posted - January 17 2005 : 2:37:18 PM
Let's try zipping it up. My lisp file looked okay, so it must be forum rules. (I couldn't download it from the post, either.)

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