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 Multiple copies of a drawing using -plot

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gdury Posted - July 22 2004 : 07:30:47 AM
Dear All

I would like to enter a defined command to enable a number of plots to be plotted when using the -plot Autocad command. The plot dialogue box indicates the Number of copies available which can be adjusted.
The principle is to select a quantity of drawings and run a plot batch script, which will plot a number of copies when the script is executed.
Any help from the users would be appreciated

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Admin Posted - July 23 2004 : 6:04:07 PM

You can also "append" the same PLOT script to itself several times. (Just click the "Append" checkbox under the userscript box, and select your plot script again from the "User Script List". This will append whatever script you just clicked on to the end of whatever script was being shown. This, however will not collate the copies.

Hope this helps!
Miksteele Posted - July 22 2004 : 08:31:57 AM
I don't believe the "number of copies" is a direct option for a simple plot script. If you can't type it at the command becomes pretty hard to script.

However...I have gotton around this by appending the same file list in the queue. If you want a collated set you may need to disable the AUTO SORT in the options window.

Also, you could take it a step further and use some of the sorting META COMMANDS within your script instead of your default AUTO SORT option. This allows a different queue sorting method depending on what script is loaded.

Give it a spin

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