Revision Log
Hurricane is always being modified
and adjusted based on your needs.
If you have a suggestion, please feel free to
to make a recommendation.
Updated - Small cosmetic changes, nothing functionally different (update file posted to forum).
Updated - Internal links to SWReg online order system.
Updated - Drawing preview window now properly displays AutoCAD 2007+ files.
Hurricane v6.8.10
Bug Fix - DGOpen setting (for DWGGateway) was being set when pressing the "X" button to close the Tools->Options screen.
Fix - When in Simple Mode, the script is now reloaded immediately after the "CREATE" button is pressed.
Hurricane v6.8.4
Includes "Enterprise" functionality.
"Combine Text Files" feature.
Added option to "pad" $COUNTER$ TAG to a number of digits..
Updated "Find DWG's by revision" feature
Hurricane v6.7.5
Added a "Search and Replace" function to the Script Editor.
Fixed screen resize issue on Script Editor window.
Hurricane v6.7.0
Added $FILENAME-NEXT$, $FILENAME-PREV$, $SHEET-NEXT$ and $SHEET-PREV$ UserTags. These tags allow you to put the "next" filename or sheet number (in the queue) onto the current drawing, or the "previous filename/sheet number onto the current drawing. Useful for titleblocks that indicate what the next or previous sheet in the project should be.
Unlocked "Multi-File Renamer". It is no longer disabled in the demo.
Unlocked "Find DWG Files by Version". It is no longer disabled in the demo.
Increased the "User Set" (lower right hand corner) to five positions. The "User Set" is a quick way to 'switch' between project directories and file-lists. It makes working with a number of different projects at the same time much easier.
Removed the enable/disable selector for ProjectTags. ProjectTags are now enabled all the time.
Rearranged the Tools menu.
Hurricane v6.5.18
BugFix - Hurricane exited with unexpectedly if you provided a folder name, without an AutoCAD executable. This is now corrected.
(If Hurricaen EVER exits for an unknown reason, PLEASE let me know!)
Adjusted the "Serial Number & Unlock Code" screen (order of operations) based on feedback.
Rearranged the About screen.
Hurricane v6.5.17
A new option to license Hurricane to a USB Flash Drive ("Thumb Drive"). This has been dubbed "portable" Hurricane, as it allows you to install Hurricane on the USB drive, and license it to the drive. Hurricane is tied to the USB drive, so you can use it on ANY PC with a USB Port. This is extremely convenient for people who use other peoples computers... please see...
Also added is a feature for people who work on several projects at the same time. At the lower right corner, are 3 radio buttons, clicking on any of these will save the current "faceplate" (i.e. path, script, and files in queue), and load the next. When you want to save your current "setup", just click on a different button, and you can work on a new project. Once you are done, simply click the previous button, and everything will be loaded in like it was previously. Difficult to explain, but easy to understand, once you see it in action.
Bug fixed in the alternate scripts, drive/path selector.
Hurricane v6.5.13
AutoCAD R14 support has been removed, and the code cleaned up a bit.
The SAVEAS tab now ALWAYS outputs DWG files in the SAVEAS output. i.e., previously, if you added DXF files to the QUEUE and tried to output them as DWG by performing a QSAVE, or SAVEAS you were stuck, as the output filename would default to the same name as your input file. A new script called "DXF to DWG" is added.
Various other code optimizations made.
Hurricane v6.5.3
Spent much time rebuilding the core routines, with lots of code cleanup, trimming things, and adding lots of error trapping, just in case. You'll notice Hurricane is a little more peppy than previous revisions.
Fix - Refresh in FileLists automatically when clicking the "Filelists" button.
Change - Renamed "Abort" to "Test Run". Maybe this will make the mode a little clearer.
Hurricane v6.4.11
Fix - List FileList window refreshes.
New Feature - Copy to Clipboard, Comma Delimited. This feature will help you generate transmittal forms. Just highlight the files in the Queue, and right-click to select the option, then paste into your transmittal document.
New Feature - Added "filter" to QuickPick button.
Change - Wizards moved to own menu item.
Fix - Bug in the Queue when creating a batch when the "Warn when file in Queue is Read only or does not exist" is UNChecked.
Change - Tab order in the Title-block update Wizard... you can now press TAB to go through the fields in the correct order...
Bug in the Queue when creating a batch when the "Warn when file in Queue is Read only or does not exist" is UNChecked.
Hurricane v6.3.9
New Feature: Added ability to adjust the height of the drawing selector area.
New Feature: Report DWG Versions in Queue.
New Feature: Ability to remove unselected files from the list.
New Feature: Save and list"Personal" FileLists.
Change: Height adjustment logic of Queue was changed.
Change: MTEXT search and replace option added to the "regular" Search and Replace Wizard.
BugFix: Clicking"Create and Run" while AutoCAD is already running a script, will no longer cause Hurricane to launch another AutoCAD session.
Hurricane v6.3.0
New Feature: Added ability for user to define the "_OPEN" command. This allows users to run with "SDI 0" if they are so inclined.
New Feature: "Personal" settings can be saved for the "Script Filter", and "Drawing Filter". By clicking the checkbox, only "personal" settings are shown/edited.
New Feature: When you SAVE your user script, it is also saved into your AutoCAD/SUPPORT/ directory with the name "hurricane-[username].scr". This way you can create another toolbar button that can run the script (as it appears in Hurricane, on a single file... useful for testing scripts as you develop them.
Fix: When using night run, Hurricane would stop and prompt the user if there were errors in the script (i.e. blank line etc...), this has been disabled in night run mode, it is assumed that the script selected has been tested.
Hurricane v6.2.12
New Feature: "Smart-Sort" added to the drawing Queue. Smart-Sort allows you to sort drawings in a more "human" order. It takes into account the actual values of the filenames. For more information on Smart-Sort, click here.
New META "Sorting" commands added., click here.
Bug Fix: When attempting to load a META sort command while the queue was empty, an error appeared. This has been corrected.
Bug Fix: When opening the "User Tag Manager" through the "Title-Block Update Wizard", and then closing the Wizard using the close (X) button, the preferences for the User Tag Manager was incorrectly written to the registry. To fix this, download the newest version, install, then goto the Tools Menu -> Options, the "Reset" tab, and click on the "Reset Entire Hurricane Registry" button. When Hurricane restarts, you will need to set your acad executable path, and your support path, and confirm the other preferences.
Bug Fix: When performing a file verification and encountering a file path that does not exist, an error appeared. This is now corrected.
Hurricane v6.2.0
Change: When in LT or R14 modes, Read-Only files will no longer be attempted to be processed. Hurricane will present a warning, and it will then remove the read-only or locked files from the queue before processing. (This is NOT the case when using the FULL AutoCAD 2000 (or above) settings)
Addition: Logging feature. When enabled, and depending on the options selected, it will record many aspects of your script generation.
Fix: A strange exception error that occured when in LT mode, after generating the second script in a session.
Fix: Read-only and "locked" files were not being handled correctly by Windows 98. This seems to be corrected now. (Please note: Microsoft no longer supports Windows 98)
Hurricane v6.1.41
Altered the core script generation routine to become smarter. Files that have attributes marked as "Read-Only", are allowed to run through the batch (but of course, are not saved) (the appropriate script lines are adjusted automatically).
The "File Access Error" box appears after the files are verified (only if there are errors discovered), it now gives the option to remove the various types of files from the queue (my error type), i.e. nonexistant files, separate from read-only files. (BUG FIX: Some files that were opened by other users would show up as NON-EXISTANT files, this problem has been corrected)
New Feature: "Project TAGS" (found under the Tools Menu).
-This feature is very similar to the usual UserTags and Dynamic Tags, however the defined tags are grouped and saved by a defined "project", based on the project files defined file-path.
- When the batch file is created, these tags are then loaded DYNAMICALLY based on the files (in the queues) directory. In other words, you can create and run a script with $PROJECTTAGx$, and run it on multiple "projects", and the text substitutions will be different, based on the input file.
-With this feature you can make a single user script that can be run across many different projects.
-The user can associate the Tags to a "path" to the projects files. Wildcards such as * and ? can be specified in the "associated path", hence users with different drive mappings can still run the same script by having a wildcard as the drive letter i.e. "?:\PROJECT1\" (Please see FAQ for more information)
Added the ability to disable the above feature.
Added the ability to scan the output script for any "Rogue Tags", which may not have been substituted. (You might have attempted to create a batch script using the $PROJECTTAGx$ tag, but didn't define the corresponding "Associated Path", hence the tags won't be replaced in the batch.
Ability to make the defined projects Inactive (prevent them from being scanned)
Enhanced the "Editor" by separating the different TAGS into different groups for easier insertion into script.
Added "User Tag Manager" to the Tools menu.
Added option to disable the "DELAY [time in ms]" command which was auto-inserted when using the "Abort" feature. The DELAY Command was originally installed to assist the user in debugging (by slowing the script down upon execution), however the option to disable it (as when plotting) has shown to be usefull.
BUG FIX: Fixed when typing "con" as a script name into the "User Script Name" field caused an exception.
BUG FIX: Compatibility issues with using Lisp and AutoCAD LT has been fixed. When LT is selected in the options, Hurricane does not use Lisp in it's automatic code generation, as well, the effected Wizards are disabled.
Added a few more default scripts to the library.
Fixed a typo in the startup tips which pointed to the wrong menu.
Added R2004 scan ability in the "Vintage Drawing Scan" feature (under the Tools menu). Also added a "Clear" button to the results list.
Added the ability (as an option) to lock the license to the workstation, rather than a floating license. (Floating is the default). The user must manually run the "RegConfig.exe" program to enable this option, before providing us the serial number. If you would rather have your Hurricane seat tied to your workstation, please write us for further instructions.
Added a counter to indicate the quantity of files currently in the Queue.
Various cosmetic changes to menus.
Added a checkbox on the SETTINGS tab called "Include Status", this will automatically add scripting to the PREUSERBATCH portion to indicate which file is being opened (like a progress meter in your AutoCAD status bar (lower left))
SIMPLE mode now HIDES the features rather than greying them out.
Hurricane v6.1.10
Added "Simple Mode" feature, which allows the CAD administrator to limit the editing features in Hurricane. The administration of this feature works best when using a Network installtion of Hurricane. Of course this mode does not apply to those running single seats of Hurricane.
The Hurricane interface is simplified by:
Eliminating the Editor window. Now only scripts are shown, and the user must select a script. They cannot see the contents of the script until after they have "Created" the batch script.- Greying out all the "Wizards" and a number of the other menus.
- Removed access to the "Options" menu.
Renamed the "Harvester" utility to "Admin Tool" because of the addition of the "Simple Mode" feature.
Added a "Larger Editor" feature in the "Settings" Tab. This should make it easier to edit the small fields in the Settings Tab.
Hurricane v6.1.5
Changed the keys to re-order files in the Queue, because the horizontal scroll bars were responding to the left/right arrow keys. To move a file in the list, select it then, press CTRL+UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS.
A new TAG has been added... "$FILECOUNTINQUEUE$". This will return the number of files in the file queue. This is handy if you want to insert a line in your script to display the progress of your script, add a line like below to your script:
(setvar "modemacro" "Drawing $COUNTER$ of $FILECOUNTINQUEUE$")
New META Commands include:
The "Editor" is resizable (and saves last position)
The "Editor" has been updated to include a pulldown to list these, and when clicked, they get inserted with a ";" in front, and carriage return.
A tab added to the OPTIONS screen for GUI control (just to keep everything from being cluttered) On this new tab, META Command Enable/Disable as well as "Live META", which makes the interface changes, AS SOON AS THE META COMMANDS ARE TYPED in. (This makes for easy debug, but can bring up an error prompt if you format incorrectly)
Added a few more TAGS:
TAG DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE OUTPUT $FILECOUNTINQUEUE$Return the number of files in the file queue 1452 $YYYY$Returns the full year 2003 $YY$Returns the two digit year 03 $MM$Returns the two digit month 07 $DD$Returns the two digit day 31
Added the ability to place TAGS into the "PREBATCH, PREUSERSCRIPT, POSTUSERSCRIPT & POSTBATCH command areas in the SETTINGS Tab. This will allow you to put:
(setvar "modemacro" "Drawing $COUNTER$ of $FILECOUNTINQUEUE$")in the PreUserScript area, and have an indication in AutoCAD as to your progress.
Hurricane v6.1.0 - I upped the minor revision number because this seems to have all your concerns covered (for the time being). Any further tweaks will be given a "build" revision number. (i.e. -
Added horizontal scroll bars to many of the file list windows (the file queue especially). For those of you who have your drawings buried many many directories deep, this will allow you to see the filename (as it used to become hidden on the far right). This depends on the users screen resolution. The higher the rez, the longer a filepath you could fit.
The entire interface has been given a scaling feature, which keeps the user script list pinned to the right hand side, and the script editor window is now resizable using a dragging bar (just below the window). The screen settings are saved on exit.
Hurricane v6.0.19
Added User Script Filter button (just like the Drawing Filter button). The user can now save the filter patterns for recall.
Double-clicking the User Script Filter text box now clears the filter box (resetting the current filter) (This was previously done by clicking the word "Filter")
Created a new standard directory called KEYS, this is where the DMO, SN, and KEY files will be stored.. the root directory was cluttered for some users, with many KEY files). This way all the registration information files are stored in their own directory.
Moved both the Drawing Filter file, and the new SCR Filter file into the DATA directory. These too should have been accessed from the DATA directory in the first place. BTW - The files have been renamed. The Drawing File Selector Filter text file has been renamed to FilterDWG.DAT, and the User Script Filter text file has been renamed to FilterSCR.DAT.
So if you want to upgrade just by replacing the EXE file, and have valuable data in the old filter.dat file, you can rename it to FilderDWG.DAT and move it into the DATA directory and all should function as before.
Added a horizontal scroll-bar to the "Favorites" selector. Some user directories are VERY long, and the option to scroll to the end seemed necessary.
Added the ability to control the "Abort" checkbox from the user script. I will be adding many more "MetaCommands" to control the Hurricane interface from within the user script. This one is particularly helpful, as in a plot script, the user may need this checkbox to be "automatically" selected each time the user script is selected. Just add the remark to your script
;abort=true if you want the Abort Checkbox to be forced checked and
;abort=false if you want the Abort Checkbox to be forced UNchecked
This is especially handy for sysadmins that want to make sure that the ABORT checkbox is checked by default for a particular script (i.e. plotting)
Hurricane v6.0.16
Added many "progress" indicators to help indicate the status of any lengthy processes that Hurricane can perform. These include when Hurricane, CREATEs a script, SORTS a queue, performs a file verification, removes duplicates from the queue etc..
Improved the "Command Capture" feature. Now blank lines are automatically stripped, and comments are added in the output script.
Added "Open" option to the right context menu in queue. Clicking on this will open all selected files (or you can just hit <Enter>). (Depending on your AutoCAD's SDI variable setting, these may load into a single instance of AutoCAD (SDI = 1), or open a separate AutoCAD session, SDI = 0)). Either way a warning message is displayed if you are attempting to open more than 5 files at a time for editing.
Added the option to either use the _OPEN command, or the _RECOVER command to open files.
Added an option to "save" the user tags to a file, and ability to "import" them. This way many users can "share" tag files.
Each TAG template file can be set to read-only by clicking on the new checkbox. This is just a simple method of indicating which TAG files are "finished" and aren't to be edited. To allow edits, just deselect the checkbox.
Much like User TAGS, a "read-only" checkbox has been added to the user scripts. Again, this is just a simple way to ensure that scripts that are "complete", are not accidentally edited, adjusted or overwritten.
"QuickQueue" button functions similar to "QuickPick", however files in Queue are added instead. Just hold your mouse over an item in the list to see the full path of that item.
Changed the Save Option "Trial Run" to "Abort". The "Trial Run" was being confusing people into thinking it has something to do with Hurricane in "demo" mode.
Adjusted some internal code in the "SAVEAS" tab, to make code generation smarter.
Added more syntax checking before a script is compiled. You can turn off all the warning messages with an option in the "Tools->Options->Prefs" tab.
Hurricane v6.0.8
Previous to this release, the filenames in the queue were automatically changed to UPPER CASE. This release doesn't play with the case of the filenames. It leaves them as they exist on your hard-drive. If you want to change the case, just right click on the file-queue, and the option to "Change Case" is there. This applies for all files that are dragged-dropped in, as well as those dragged-in from a file-list.
When a txt file containing a list of drawings is dragged into the queue, only those files in the txt file that MATCH the drawing filter in the file selector will be added. (If you want to add all files then *.dwg is a good default to use)
When file-lists (in a TXT file) are dragged/dropped from explorer into the file-queue, the format of the TXT file list has been expanded. The files listed can be contained within quotes, or not, or both (all within the same file). Hurricane will parse each line of the text file and decipher any lines that are paths to DWG files.
Fixed a typo in the SETTINGS tab, the button that read "AutoCAD LT" is changed to "AutoCAD r14".
Added a button to CLEAR all PRE/POST commands from the SETTINGS tab. It seems that sometimes user accidentally put spaces and CR's where they shouldn't belong. This is a quick way to make sure those boxes are blank.
Fixed a bug with the introduction of the "Verify" tool. The tool now properly responds, if a file that doesn't exist is scanned.
Added a few more script syntax checkers. Will now verify the contents of the SETTINGS tab for any lines that either end in a space, or have an extra carriage return.
Added a "Rename" function to the FileLists feature.
Added a "View" function to the FileLists feature.
Hurricane v6.0.3
The number of User Tags has been increased from 10 to 40.
The number of Tags available to edit in the Title-Block Update Wizard has been increased from 10 to 40.
A "Night Run" feature (or "countdown" timer) has been added to allow you to set a particular time of day/night for your script to run. Whatever files are in the queue, and the script displayed will be compiled and run when the timer reaches zero.
Verify Drawing files Exist in Queue - Will check to make sure the drawings actually exist on the HDD and present the user with a warning. (This is usefull if the user has imported an "old" filelist).
Verify Drawing files are EDITABLE in Queue - Will check to make sure the drawings are not "locked" by another user.
Remove Duplicates in Queue - In case filelists are being imported that contain the same files, you can select this to remove duplicate entries.
Drag and drop filelists from a TXT file into the file Queue. Only files listed in the text file that match the "filter" will be added. Click here for more information and an example TXT file.
The "Scan for DWG files by Version" feature has been adjusted with more error-checking, and will present an error on DWG's that it can't read.
An option for LT users has been added to the Options screen. If the user is running AutoCAD LT, they can select to have the "lisp" enabled functions of Hurricane disabled. Also, with this option enabled the user will be presented with a warning each time they attempt to run a script attempting to load a "lisp" routine.
The "Display Script Syntax Warnings" option has been made more intelligent. Automatically scanning for double-spaces, lines with empty spaces etc. will present a warning.
The user is able to individually enable/disable each of the different "Script Syntax Warning" messages.
The up/down arrow keys scroll through the files in the queue. The left/right arrow keys move the files up/down the list. (This was the opposite on previous releases)
The keyboard "insert" key inserts files from the file selector (as an alternate to pressing the "ADD" button), and the keyboard "delete" key removes files from the queue. (But doesn't delete them from the HDD of course)
A link to the Hurricane forum has been added to the "Help" menu. Hopefully more people will use the forum to help each other out with Hurricane and general automation issues.
Hurricane v5.9.8
Updated Harvester with some new features. Hurricane executable adjusted so DMO files are more intelligent, and are compatible with the better Harvester.
Added two (2) more Wizards: 1) Text Search and LOG Wizard, which can search through all text entities and write a report for files that the text exists in. 2) Report Limits Wizard, which creates a CSV file of each of the DWG filenames scanned, and their respective limits. Also, reorganized the Wizards into a sub-menu. This list will be growing, as more Lisp programs are written, and user suggestions are turned into reality.
Altered all the automatically generated commands (OPEN, QSAVE etc), Making Hurricane compatible with International versions of AutoCAD.
Advanced Script Editor window - Removed all the clutter of buttons, and neatly listed all the TAGS in a combo-box, just select the tag you want to add to your code from the drop-down list and it gets inserted.
The files that exist in the queue when shutdown, are restored when Hurricane is restarted.
Added $MM/DD/YY$ tag, and removed the settings in the "Configure Tags" screen
Added $DD/MM/YY$ tag
Added $YY/MM/DD$ tag
Added $FILENAME$ tag, which will return the current filename (without extension) ($FILENAME$.DWG will do the trick)
Added $FILEPATH$ tag, which will return the path of the current file, ie. C:\DRAWINGS\
Added a $HUR_PATH$ function to identify the APPLICATION PATH, thus scripts that refer to lisp routines in the Hurricane directory are easily created. "(LOAD "$HUR_PATH$LISP/LISPFILE.LSP") will work.
Added a $USER$ function to return the currently logged in username. Usefull if you want a script which can update title-block info with the last user to edit/plot the drawing.
Added a $COMPUTER$ function to return the current computername. Same idea as $USER$ tag.
Add a $FIRSTFILECHARS$ function to return the first x characters of the currently open file. To be used in case a companies naming convention of files is such that the first few characters indicate the "Project Number", hence this can be extracted and used in a script to update title-block info. See "Configure Tags" screen to setup "x" characters.
Added a "Copy Selected files to Clipboard" feature when you right-click the files in the file-queue.
The File Queue is saved on shutdown and restored on boot-up
The UserScript displayed is saved on shutdown and restored on boot-up
In the file queue, user can move one file at a time up and down the list with the UP/DOWN Arrow keys (keyboard)
Bug Fix - FileList screen had some display issues, this is now fixed. All list (LST) files will be stored in the DATA directory to make things "cleaner".
Bug Fix - It seems that when the user script was being compiled, all commands were being forced into UPPER CASE. This was a "feature" to make the code look more readable, but in the case of PC2 files, they are case sensitive. Also, when users wanting to search and replace text in a case sensitive manner, this was not a good idea. The case is now exactly what the user types into the user-script box.
Added ability to copy filenames in Queue to the clipboard. Options to allow copy of on the filename, filename and path, and filename with extension.
Added the ability for the user to "reset" the registration information for that user. IF the user has a KEY file present, then Hurricane will auto-activate the next time it is started by that user.
Tip of the Day Added. This feature can be disabled.
Hurricane v5.8.10
Added a "Reset Hurricane Registry Entries" button to the VIEW->OPTIONS->RESET tab. There seemed to be a couple of users (particularly in Windows 98) who's registry entries (where things like last directory, and all options are saved) had become corrupted. In a attempt to get those effected up and running again, this button allows you to wipe the Hurricane registry entries clean. Note: this feature does not wipe user registration information. Basically it sets Hurricane back to factory defaults in all the options.
Hurricane v5.8.9
Changed the concept of the distributed "KEY" file for the registration process. Previously the KEY file was deleted during the registration process if it was used. Now the key file will remain in the Hurricane directory in anticipation of being used again. This is a plus for users of Hurricane who run it from a network. This will allow you to change computers and not have to keep your serial numbers handy when activating the software. The key file will keep registration information on the network drive and auto-activate Hurricane whenever you change computers.
Added a "Clear" button to the "Title-Block Update Wizard". This button will clear all the fields rather than having to clear them one at a time.
Added more error-checking, as well as error-handling routines inside the functions (sort etc.) for dealing with extremely large-lists of files (5000+ files).
Fixed a (probably unnoticed by most) screen redraw issue that occured when going from maximized back to regular.
Hurricane v5.8.4
Ability to save "templates" in "TitleBlock-Wizard" added. (Templates are stored in the new "/DATA/" directory (This feature is found in the "TOOLS->Title-Block Update Wizard" menu)
Ability to specify a command-line switch (such as /p) to load AutoCAD parameter file when "CREATE and RUN" is pressed. (This feature is found in the "View->OPTIONS" menu)
Hurricane v5.8.0
This update has some major additions. These changes are usefull to everyone, from beginner to advanced.
HELP - Contains general setup html docs
LISP - Contains lisp routines used by the Wizards
MENU - Contains mnu file, and Hurricane button
SCRIPTS - Contains all your scriptsPlease BACKUP your scripts, uninstall your previous version, install the new version, then re-copy your saved scripts into the SCRIPTS directory.
"User Tags" are added. This allows you to include defined tags such as "$DATE$", $TIME$, $FILENAME$, $COUNTER$, $SHEET$ and "STATIC TAGS" 1-10, and the current data (along with the format you have selected) gets substituted into the compiled script. This allows you to have more "generic" scripts, as all TAG information is substituted at the point in time the script is compiled based on real-time/world data. All tags are definable (in terms of format (shown below)). More info can be found in the FAQ.
"Wizards" have been added which make creating scripts much easier (some of which call new lisp routines (included). So you don't have to know anything... Just fill in the blanks and the script is generated for you.
I hope each of these is self-explanatory... (that is the whole idea)
The floating editor is changed to the "Advanced Editor", and no longer floats... (I didn't see the point to this anymore, so simplify the code a bit) All the new user tags are there at your finger-tips. If you think of anything else to add, let me know. (Even included a key to "appload" a lisp routine... press the button and a file selector pops-up, select the lisp you want loaded in your script, and the appropriate code is added to your script)
Hurricane v5.7.4
Drag and Drop directories from Windows Explorer into Hurricanes File Queue, only files matching the file "filter" will be added. This automatically adds the contents of all sub-folders too.
Drag and Drop any folder to the "Drawing File Selector" (folders) area, and the folder displayed will change. This is especially usefull if you have navigated to your files using Explorer, and now want to quickly navigate there with Hurricane. Just drag the folder from Explorer to the Hurricane DWG Folder selector, and it will immediately change to the dragged directory.
Resize the preview window
Wide Directory listing
Right-Click menu in Queue added:
+ "Change to Uppercase/Lowercase". (moved from Menu's)
+ Reverse the sort order. (Moved from Menu's)
+ Sort Ascending and Descending
+ Modify the text size has been added to the same right-click menu.
+ The ability to "copy to clipboard" the contents of the file-queue. (This will copy the filenames and paths as text to the clipboard), ready to be pasted into whatever application you want.
+ Click on a single file in the queue, right click, and using the "<--Goto" option, change the DWG file selector to reflect the directory that the file is in.
+ Clicking on a single file in the queue, right click, and "Open Explorer" in the directory of the currently selected file.
A simple "Undo" button (1 edit) has been added to the User Script editor window. This should be good for people who want to "test" a slight modification, and quickly undo it.
When double-clicking on files listed in the user-script library, the file will be opened into the floating script editor.
In the "Script Browser" (under the Browse button), users can now point the file selector and "search" for all SCR files in sub-directories using the "+" key.
Automatically prompts for removal of "bad" directories in the "favorites" selector.
Mass File property/attribute changer (Read Only, Archive, System, Hidden) Can parse recursively through thousands of files (even on Network drives) and change their file attributes. Handy if you often copy a CD to your drive, and have to turn all the "Read/Only" bits off. Instead of starting up a DOS session and remembering how to use the attrib command, use this utility.
Hurricane v5.7.1
Hurricane now has the option (another button) to CREATE AND RUN a script with a single button. (You used to have to create, then Alt-tab into AutoCAD and press the Hurricane button), now you just press the "CREATE AND RUN" button, and a new session of AutoCAD is shelled passing the script to it to be run saving you EVEN MORE TIME. With this feature, you must specify the AutoCAD EXE files location found (in the Options) menu.
SETUP tab now has more options, put commands BEFORE your script, and AFTER your script, both at the the file level, and at the script as a whole. This makes it easy to set SDI system variables on then off, as well as put some emphasis on using "standard" commands, like ZOOM E, all this is of course user editable... etc...
When switching from AutoCAD R14 to 2000 compatibility modes, the default commands in the PREBATCH, PREUSERSCRIPT, POSTUSERSCRIPT and POSTBATCH areas are asked to be defaulted.
A checkbox has been added to the SETTINGS tab which when enabled will add standard comments to the script indicating where the beginning and ending of the PRE and POST commands are. This is strictly for debug purposes.
Removed the SAVEAS R12/R13 functionality, as people are no longer requiring these functions. Intead I have added a new SAVEAS option which also required a TAB to be added to the main interface. Now when SAVEAS checkbox is selected, you have the option to SAVEAS to other versions of AutoCAD (depending on the version you are using!), and also to save to a DIFFERENT DIRECTORY, and RENAME the files as you save them to a new directory, according to a PREFIX and a SUFFIX, that is user definable (as well, a box shows what an example file will be renamed to). All this while files are being processed... The current list is now R13, R14, and 2000.
Also located on the new tab is a checkbox for "AutoAdd code to overwrite existing files", when you go to use the SAVEAS command it invariably becomes a nuisance to go into the destination directory and ERASE the files that exist (as AutoCADs SAVEAS command always asks you to CONFIRM before you overwrite an existing file, just to confirm what you are doing. This checkbox will cause Hurricane to CHECK ahead, and if the file being written already exists, will add the appropriate code to the script to OVERWRITE IT.
Also, the ability to browse your HD for other scripts has been enhanced by the addition of a BROWSE button near the user-script window, and the addition of a checkbox above the same window to allow browsing of script in the currently selected project directory.
When the Browse button is selected, the Script Browser (which was previously only available from the Tools menu) is now activated, and when a script is selected and "Copy" is pressed, the contents of the script, AND the scripts name are now copied to the user-script windowWhen the checkbox is checked, the user-script list is switched to the currently active directory in the DWG file selector. This allows users to save specific scripts to specific directories. i.e. - a user may have a special batch plotting script which contains special setup, but is only valid for one project. Now the script can be stored in that projects directory, where it belongs. As you browse the project directory, the user-script window will follow suit.
An "Alternate" output path has been added - This allows the user to quickly select an alternate output hurricane.scr file location, in the event that the user must create scripts for others to use. This way the user can store a location locally (which they would use most of the time), and another location (probably on a network drive) where another user can access the compiled script, and run it.
Trial-Run checkbox now automatically envokes a DELAY command. The delay time is settable from the "Options" menu (as I couldn't find a better place to put it!) If you have a better place, let me know.
Check script for errors checkbox, now will parse the script and warn of double spaces, spaces at the end of a line, and lines starting with a space.
Fixed Bug (v5.7.1) with the "Create and Run Script" button was defaulted, if the user attempted to edit a script, and hit "Enter" then the button was defaulted and clicked
Hurricane v5.6
Added simple installer which will create all shortcuts (helpfile, harvester, uninstaller and shortcut on the desktop)
Added FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to the website. This will always be a "work in progress".
Fixed the logic behind the "Compile Script" button. This would enable/disable sometimes at the wrong time. This is now fixed.
There was an erratic bug that only some systems experienced... just after installing you would have seen "Error #5", and the program would exit. This was very rare as it seemed to only effect "virgin" systems where there were no other applications installed. (I've been
trying to figure this one out for a week now, but the cause seems to be fixed)
Removed the TipOfTheDay feature. I think this component may have been the cause of a couple of installation issues, as this OCX had a bit of a time getting registered on some systems. One of my mandates was to "keep it simple", and by removing this unneeded item, which was mostly a frill, I think we're one step closer. (We have the FAQ, so tips will be listed there as well)
Added a menu item to link directly to the FAQ on the website (
(This is starting to get pretty big!)
Removed the "mail-in" order form... as nobody was using it...
Hurricane v5.4 Build 6
Added "Command Capture" utility under the new "Tools" menu. I'm still discovering commands that are a little "different" and the capture utility doesn't pick them up 100%, so please write me with your finds. However, it does work rather well in most cases. Give it a try!
Hurricane v5.3 Build 8
Added ability to include all subdirectories (from currently selected directory). All files matching the file filter are automatically added to the queue.
Still working on the "command capture" portion... to be released shortly! (Hence the menu item is greyed-out)
- Updated some of the logistics behind the user-script editing.
- User is now prompted before script is deleted.
- User is now prompted after Appending files, and attempts to change back to Edit mode.
- Added "Tip of the Day" feature.
Hurricane-NET v5.02 - simplified distribution (Works locally, or on Network drive)
Simply extract the contents of this ZIP to ANY directory, and run the exe. No more setup program to deal with. All runtime files are SELF CONTAINED.
All users can access the same hurricane.exe file from anywhere on your corporate network, and each users instance of Hurricane will generate its own serial number. (All serial numbers are also written into the Hurricane directory for easy harvesting)
Harvester.exe is also available from the downloads page. This utility will allow a system administrator to easily "harvest" all serial numbers from a "Network" Hurricane installation. Just run the harvester.exe in the Hurricane directory, and all serial numbers created will be available for easy inclusion into an e-mail when purchasing multiple seats. You may also see how many users are still unregistered after deployment, or when any "new" users attempt to run Hurricane (as it may take some time for users to get around to trying the software).
Benefits include:
- You only have 1 executable to install, and only 1 to update (when required) (No matter how many users you have using Hurricane)
- NO setup file issues (including DLL registrations, errors in user access, etc.)
- NO repetitive setup to do at the user level, just unZip to any network directory, and let your users make a shortcut to the hurricane.exe file, and all users can launch the exe at the same time. In fact, all users can "share" user-script files in real-time!)
- NO upgrading hassles, just download the latest version and unZip it into the same directory.
- NO Runtime file hassles. All required files are SELF-CONTAINED in the hurricane.exe
- Even users who wish to use Hurricane locally, (stored and launched off thier Hard drive) can download and use this distribution.
- All serial number/unlock codes are stored locally on each users PC, so there are no licensing issues.
- Easily harvest serial numbers from the Hurricane directory and monitor Hurricane usage.
Hurricane v4.8 released
New - Create Multiline Scripts - save the "user" scripts to individual files which can be deleted and renamed easily. This is much nicer to work with. (Now you can comment your script as many times as you wish... just put a ; (semicolon) at the beginning of the line you wish to comment. Everything after the semicolon, to the end of line, will be ignored by AutoCAD.
New - Added a button (labelled "O") at the bottom of the script editor window. This button hides Hurricanes main window and displays a larger script editing window which stays ON-TOP of AutoCAD. This will make it easier to edit larger scripts without the need to Alt-Tab back and forth between AutoCAD and Hurricane.
New - Added a "Paste" feature for users who wish to upgrade from v3.x to v4.x+ and transfer their existing scripts (single line) to the multiline format.
New - Edit your script in a window that is always on top of your AutoCAD session. Allowing you to capture your commands more easily.
New - "QuickPick" feature to select/load your drawings more quickly. The "QuickPick" box remains visible at all times while running AutoCAD, displaying the directory with the filter-pattern you specified to easily load your files. The quick-pick window is movable, and the position is saved for next time.
New - PREVIEW button added to make selection of drawings even easier! Just click on the "Preview" button to enable the drawing previewer. The previewer works from all three of the file lists, all it take is a single-click for any "viewable" file to be displayed in the preview window. The preview window is moveable, and position is saved when closed.
To refresh any file-selectors, Click on the border surrounding the file-list, or press "Refresh" button.
Added ability to "browse" for Text Editor (in case you don't want to use Notepad as your default editor.
Added a selectable pop-up box for when a script is created, so the user can double-check options/settings.
Added AutoCAD R14 and AutoCAD 2000 compatibility mode selection option.
Added more error trapping for drive I/O.
Hurricane v4.1 added - just extract into your v4.0 directory
- Not a major update, just added the ability to cut and paste from an existing AutoCAD script file directly into the Hurricane Command Line.
- To use: Open your old/existing AutoCAD script in your text editor and highlight the entire script and Edit-->Copy (or CTRL-C) then ALT-TAB into Hurricane and click the Edit-->Paste Existing Script... menu. The clipped script file will be converted and pasted into the Hurricane Command Line complete with "carriage returns!". There seem to be limitations with the length of the Command Line; after 256 characters you cannot manually type characters, however it seems to store a string many times that length. Strange, but it works! This is a limitation in the Microsoft common control, and is NOT a bug.
- Included the hurricane.mns file and hurricane.bmp, for easy setup of the toolbar
- Included updated help files... better help files are still on the way... :)
- 74mph Utilities page added with the addition of the following free files and their descriptions:
- HAR (Hurricane Attribute Replace) - Batch change your attributes.
- - Allows the user to quickly convert existing AutoCAD scripts to Hurricane Command Lines. (You don't need this tool if you download Hurricane v4.1 or higher)
- (1K)- (MNU file + BMP) added to site. Copy this to your /SUPPORT/ directory and load it with MENULOAD command. A toolbar complete with hurricane graphic will appear, ready for you to run Hurricane scripts. (This file will be part of the full distribution in the next revision)
- Because of previous licensing issues Hurricane has been renamed and restructured in it's licensing. Hurricane is the progression of Batch Script Generator, as Hurricane is no longer just a batch script generator. Hurricane Released v4.0 (Full Installer) Hurricane supports AutoCAD r14 and 2000 only.
- Batch Script Generator will be available on the website for download only (in case a user needs a replacement), but all new licenses will be issued as "Hurricane" licenses.
- Changes between "Hurricane Batch Script Generator" and "Hurricane"
- Removed DXFIN Tab, as AutoCAD 2000 seems to be unable to process that command from a script.
- details on the Tips and Tricks section to show how to convert DXF to DWG en batch with Hurricane using AutoCAD 2000) Please look in FAQ
- Since the DXFIN tab was removed, there was no reason to keep the SSTAB.OCX control in the distribution file. This solved a few issues (to some) 1) Hurricane should run on systems that have only the VB runtimes installed. 2) Hurricane is now "lighter" and runs/launches much faster.
- Because previous versions of Hurricane will be stored on the website for users convenience, the "Download Patch" and "Download Hurricane" links in the apps menu have been removed. The link to the website should allow an easy way to get to the downloads page.
Aug 16, 2000
- Released v3.03 (Patch)
- Corrected minor issues with the "pattern" box, and shutting down when minimized.
Aug 9, 2000
- Released v3.01 - (The order of revisions are as follows... 3.0a, b, c, d, then Finally v3.01, whew, many little changes)
- New - Added function open files from either left side file selector and/or file queue
- New - Added function to manually add directories to the "Hot Folders" List
- Fix - Help file now opens from menu in both Win95 and WinNT
- New - Added button which launches html file to explain how to set AutoCAD into a DDE application
- Rewrote some of the file placement routines as in some OS, dat files were being placed in the root
Aug 2, 2000
- v3.0c - The bug for WinNT users is fixed. Double-clicking on any file in the Hurricane file-selector now opens any registered filetype. i.e. Double-clicking on a DWG file will launch AutoCAD and open the file that was double-clicked.
- Added patch to download page to upgrade from 3.0.
July 21, 2000
- Updating development software can cause some problems, and performing additions and changes at the same time can sometimes cause some bugs. Both the bugs listed below are minor in nature, and I have no explanation for either of them. I will be contacting MS support to attempt to figure out why it seems that only WinNT users are reporting these two problems.
- There are two known bugs in v3.0, it seems to be SPECIFIC to WinNT users. (Please let me know if this is happening on your PC that is non WinNT)
1) When attempting to double-click on file from Hurricane file selector, an unhandled error would appear "File not found", and the program would exit. Correction: code added for proper handling of error. Hurricane does not exit when this occurs, however, the cause of this is unknown. v3.0a added to website.
2) Browser won't launch to read "readme.html" from within Hurricane. Unknown solution, it works on each Win95 installation I've tried it on, but not NT?- The good news is everything else seems to be good... no complaints about the installer.
- Version 3.0a was put up on the website as a full download with error handler for #1 above.
July 10, 2000
- Hurricane v3.0 added to Download Page - This release is NOT a patch or update, it is a full install. Of course all minor updates are free. Current users, if you wish to upgrade, please backup your old dat files, and install v3.0, Your unlock codes will still work. However, please be advised that several other key components have changed. All DAT file names have been changed to reflect their purpose (i.e. "sgen" was removed). (Sorry for the inconvenience but this will be the first and last time this happens) If you have some commands that you wish to pull over to v3.0, just rename your old DAT files to the respective new ones, or cut and paste the commands you need into the new DAT files using a text editor. The executable was renamed from sgen.exe to hurricane.exe. The default script file was changed from process.scr to hurricane.scr. This package was tested on a Windows 95 test system and installed correctly without incident, WinNT users should have "admin" status to allow tabctl32.ocx to become registered.
- "HotDir" added - Hurricane automatically saves directories which you create scripts from to a "HotList". If you ever want to return to that directory, you don't need to hunt for it. Just click on "HotDir" and it should already be in the list!
- Ability to Launch any registered filetype just by double-clicking on it in the Hurricane file selector (very useful when using Hurricanes filter and double-clicking on a file in Hurricane to launch DWG files into AutoCAD) Why use the AutoCAD file selector when you have to hunt through long lists (horizontally!) for files. Use Hurricane to filter down the files you need, and just double-click on them to launch them in AutoCAD!
- Ability to save Lists of Files is added (Thanks Randy)
- DWG files are now resaved in uppercase, regardless of how you open them manually (Thanks John)
- Splash screen and splash screen options were removed.
- Browse ability to ourput script path was added to simplify where the hurricane.scr is written to.
February 8, 2000
- Updated the contents of both ZIP files. All documentation is included in the full install, and the DAT files were removed from the "patch" install.
November 28,1999
October 11,1999Hurricane v2.50 added to web site (both full and patch versions)
New features include
- Commands can now be "named". This allows for easy lookup of complex command lines, or command lines that have slight variations. Just place a "!" (exclamation) at the beginning of the command, and follow it with a name. The first space encountered is taken as the termination of the string. i.e.
!CUST_B BLIPMODE 0 ZOOM E GRID OFF SNAP ON- html help file (accessible through the menus)
- links to all Hurricane web sites in menu including DigiBuy (accessible through the menus)
- Hurricane button graphic for your AutoCAD toolbar
Additions to existing features include:
Batch Script Generator for AutoCAD |
Policy |
free to use the Demo for FREE, |